How do you like to take your mind off something?


Remember, Remember, The Fifth of November
Apr 2, 2020
Eerie Star Potion
Key to Bell Tree Manor
Eerie Star Potion
Ghostly Preserves
Will-o'-the-wisp Halloweaster Egg
Rainbow Moon Jellyfish
Bee Plush
Special Snowflake
Pumpkin Pie
Shooting Star
Blue Star Fragment
Hi all,

I've always struggled with overthinking, and a big problem in my life had recently sprung up. It's not too serious but basically I have to find another place to live and it's really stressing me out.

My boyfriend has said he will take care of most of the moving stuff since he's not in work at the moment which is a huge relief for me as my job can be pretty stressful.

It got me wondering, what ways do you have to take your mind off something that is stressing you out?

I like to listen to soothing music when I'm able to, and I have a playlist specifically for it, but what do you like to do to take your mind off something and distract yourself?
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I try to distract myself by monologuing or making noises, or playing video games. But basically.... I don’t, lol. If something heavy is on my mind it usually stays there until I’m able to resolve it. ;_;
When I feel panicked or overloaded, I crochet little baby hats for my school knitting club’s service project. The pattern is just muscle memory for me at this point because I’ve done it so many times and the familiar motions are very comforting. I know that’s super specific, so I recommend crocheting as a whole.

I also listen to Hozier a lot. His voice is very soothing. “No Plan” is one of my favorites from him.
I try to distract myself by monologuing or making noises, or playing video games. But basically.... I don’t, lol. If something heavy is on my mind it usually stays there until I’m able to resolve it. ;_;

I'm in the same way, until it's over I'll keep worrying about it!

When I feel panicked or overloaded, I crochet little baby hats for my school knitting club’s service project. The pattern is just muscle memory for me at this point because I’ve done it so many times and the familiar motions are very comforting. I know that’s super specific, so I recommend crocheting as a whole.

I also listen to Hozier a lot. His voice is very soothing. “No Plan” is one of my favorites from him.

I'll have to give him a listen! I like finding new favourites

I like listening to Silent Island/Black Hill when I need to de-stress.
I just tell myself that it isn’t going to be a big deal and that it will all work out. Then take a deep breath and let it out like you are letting the problem go away. Then I go do something I enjoy like reading.
honestly? i pace back and forth as i try to figure out a solution to the problem. if my anxiety starts getting the best of me, i’ll do some breathing exercises - i can’t really focus on anything else if there’s a problem so i try to find a solution to it as quickly as possible ;u;
I have anxiety so I actually will obsess and overthink about even the smallest things that are bugging me. I sometimes talk out loud to myself or create little scenarios to occupy my thoughts. I try to play games or watch YouTube as well and it sometimes works. But most of the time, I'll keep pausing cuz the thoughts are too stressful and I can't stop thinking about it. So what I usually default to if none of these work, is trying to sleep, or just lying there.

My anxiety is worse when I'm alone. When my bf is home, being hugged helps and talking too.
I have anxiety so I actually will obsess and overthink about even the smallest things that are bugging me. I sometimes talk out loud to myself or create little scenarios to occupy my thoughts. I try to play games or watch YouTube as well and it sometimes works. But most of the time, I'll keep pausing cuz the thoughts are too stressful and I can't stop thinking about it. So what I usually default to if none of these work, is trying to sleep, or just lying there.

My anxiety is worse when I'm alone. When my bf is home, being hugged helps and talking too.
Sounds quite similar to me actually, I've never been diagnosed with anything though and it definitely sounds like you've got it pretty bad. Creating scenarios sounds interesting, I like thinking about world building.

honestly? i pace back and forth as i try to figure out a solution to the problem. if my anxiety starts getting the best of me, i’ll do some breathing exercises - i can’t really focus on anything else if there’s a problem so i try to find a solution to it as quickly as possible ;u;

That's awful :( it's terrible when a solution is hard to find, and it can like pile up on you.
I try to stay active.

I cook, clean, do laundry. I work out. I read (which isn't very effective as I space out and think too much)

Sometimes I like to sing or practice piano.

Anything to not be sitting still for too long.
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Normally I start daydreaming about whatever and completely forget where and who I am. Effective to postpone dealing with **** but not the healthiest coping mechanism, I suppose.
tbh i try to exhaust myself of the topic first before moving on, if something's worrying me i'll research it to death and/or ramble about it, either to a trusted friend/friend group or just into the void (a private social media post/discord server or notepad can work for this). it kinda gives me a feeling of being more prepared and in control if i confront it even just for a short while if that makes sense??

then i just do things i usually enjoy doing, it helps if they're activities you can get lost in - watch videos, discover new music, play a game, something creative etc
If something is causing me major stress and anxiety, then I try to break it down to what I can do right now about it and avoid looking ahead too far. Like if there’s something I can do about it this moment, then I do that right away to alleviate part of the stress. If there isn’t or I’ve already done it, then I try to distract myself. Animal Crossing is a big one for me personally, it really helps me relax. I find for me, staying busy and being social helps a lot. If I can go get coffee with a friend, that helps distract me.
If there are lots of small things to be done, I’ll make a list first of all the steps, and then assign them to days in my planner. This helps me visualize what I have to do. Once that’s done, I try to only focus on what must be done today.
i either :
1) go to the nearest room away from people if i’m in public
2) vc with my brother - normally i’d just play pubg with him but he recently moved out
3) joke around with random people in vr
4) sleep - with my cats preferably

i can’t really do anything that’ll immediately calm me down, so i just do any of those things until i feel sane again
Podcasts have been a godsend whenever I need a distraction. If I want a good mystery, or a few laughs, or even sports talk, there's always a podcast out there to listen to
For some reason watching Starcraft 2 matches is a great way to take my mind off something. Helped a lot while I was depressed last month.
Not the healthiest approach but I tend to just not think about it for a while, avoid the situation, and collect my thoughts. I dont really want to make decisions while I am stressed out or emotional because I feel that tends to make rash decisions. I will usually withdraw by taking some time alone, sleeping, take a hot shower, have some tea, clean my room, play with my pets, listen to some Youtube videos or comforting music and come back when I am feeling better. In the past I used to just avoid the whole situation until it blew over but that hasn't worked well for me sometimes, I know I will have to confront it sooner or later, so now I try to get through it sooner.
I mostly just listen to music I like and if not just talk to people. I’m not one to stress too much so it’s not usually an issue unless it’s a math test day lol