How do you like to take your mind off something?

i used to draw, daydream, music (listen to, play), and make things. though all that kinda stopped working cuz i just have no motivation due to other stuff so now i just clean and organize. i suggest finding a creative outlet though or if you happen to have a fuzzy friend (dog, cat, bunny, ect) petting them calmly as possible like super soft touch not just pats and pets but gentle you're trying to calm them kinda really helps cuz you focus on the feel and on them instead and they normally fall asleep (well my sisters dogs do and my cat did before she passed last year). if no fuzzy any kinda art or even working out/long walk with music/heavy bag ect. helps as physical activity can get rid of stress.
  • An activity that involves one of the five senses (e.g. listening to music, reading, lighting a scented candle or diffusing essential oils, massaging my shoulders/neck)
  • Writing down my thoughts down or talking through them with someone I trust
  • Cleaning my room, my desk, or a part of them
  • Work out (weightlifting, Pilates, or stretching)
  • Take a hot shower/bubble bath
When I'm anxious and/or stressed, I like to bullet-journal or write letters to friends/pen-pals. It keeps me pretty distracted as I'm so focused on making everything look perfect on the paper that I can barely remember why I'm upset in the first place. I also love listening to music, playing video games, or just writing fan-fiction/working on my novel.

I can't do these things at work, but when I'm working I tend to get stressed very easily. In these circumstances, I sing in my head or hum to myself, as a way to soothe myself? It doesn't always work, so I typically try to think of things I'm excited about, future trips, movies coming out, things I get to do after work... etc.​
If something is making me anxious then cleaning helps. I will do the dishes or sweep the floor or something that is mindless. It becomes like a mediation and I don’t think about anything anymore. Something also about doing things with my hands helps with the stress.
Play animal crossing, watch random videos on youtube. Moving helps if I have too much energy to sit down. Cleaning the house, taking out the trash, going to the grocery store a few days early.

I also crochet so I can focus on counting instead of what's stressing me.
I've started to write in my journal fairly regularly (doesn't need to be every day), seeing my therapist every 2-3 weeks, spending time with my partner whenever possible and eating healthy as best as I can. When writing in a journal, list three things you are grateful for each day even if they seem insignificant or silly. Always try to conclude a journal entry positively or with hopeful optimism that things will get better.

Of course other hobbies such as writing and playing video games, reading, listening to music, trying out a new makeup look, etc. help as well.

I've really been focusing on self care beyond establishing a skincare routine or putting on a sheet mask when I feel stress piling on. You gotta look and feel your best to do what is necessary each day imo. Even just making your bed and having proper meals and water intake throughout the day, 10-20 minutes of walking outside to get some Vitamin D from the sun. . .little victories add up to big ones in the grander scheme of life. Manage tasks in "bite-sized" portions or chunks so it's not overwhelming if possible.
I get this. I’m completely obsessive about things that bother me, even when I rationally understand that it’s stupid and not worth my brainpower. I try to get myself absorbed in something fun, like a good book or a tv show. Something physical is even better, because then it involves my body and not just my mind.
This isn't too applicable to everyone (it relies on you frequently writing poems and notes down on your phone when out n' about :p) but I really like transcribing all the poems I have written electronically into my notebook. I have tonnnnns so I can be at it for as long as I need to to re-ground myself. Hand writing past notes or even stream of consciousness thoughts is really nice. edit: Typically you write slower than you think, so it forces you to catch yourself when you see your tone in writing is going beyond how strongly you feel about something in actuality, and being forced to catch yourself on things keeps you mindful
If my head is too full of thoughts I'd start cleaning my room and other parts of the house; organization and moving furniture and other things overwrite my thoughts and eventually I'll feel less bothered of what I was initially worrying! And usually midway through the cleaning process I tend to find some sort of solution to my worry 🥰.
writing, drawing, solving calculus problems
the first is just nice for brain dumping
second focuses on something where I have a lot of freedom
third brings me back to simpler times (not a joke fyi, i love calc before diffyqs hit me smack in the face)
Either playing Animal Crossing or doing something D&D related tends to do the trick.