How do you like your popcorn?

How do you like your popcorn?

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Usually kettle popcorn is my favorite,
I remember getting so excited to see a big bag of em for sale as a kid at 6 Flags
and my Uncle thought I was a weirdo
I like buttered and salted, either separately or together, I can't stand any other flavours. ;-;
I usually pop the kernels in a pot over the stove, then melt butter over the freshly popped corn. Then I salt it reasonably - not too much and not too little. Buttering and THEN salting is important because the salt will not stick to the popcorn otherwise.
LMAO, apparently I never posted in this thread but voted for “burnt”. Well, that works I guess since I don’t like eating popcorn anyway. :lemon:
I rarely eat popcorn, usually only when it's offered to me by someone else. But the only kind I would consider buying myself is a good white cheddar popcorn, so I voted for cheesy in the poll.
Hard choices! I like caramel corn and also buttered salty. It depends on if I'm craving sweet or salty!
oh, kettle corn all the way :love: i just love the sweet and salty flavor together! so good. i also like buttered / salted, like movie theater popcorn, but given the choice i'll always always choose kettle corn first. i just love sweet foods <3 <3
I don't eat popcorn very often but whenever I pick it up at the movies I always pick salty, I prefer the savoury flavour with popcorn and generally love anything that's salted. If I'm craving something sweet instead I'd usually pick chocolate/sweets/ice cream or something similar over the sweet flavoured popcorn.
Weirdly enough, I prefer kettle corn over popcorn. However I prefer my popcorn like I prefer my men, buttery and salty.
I'm not a popcorn person at all. Once in a while, I enjoy it if I go to a movie or something. But, it always gets stuck in my teeth, and I'm just kinda over it. 99/100 times I'd rather just get a different snack. When I do have it, plenty of butter and salt is the way to go.
Butter + salt along with some Sno-Caps sprinkled on it 🍿🤠
I miss going to the movie theater...
im American so I like my popcorn buttered and salted. when I spent a semester abroad in college I found out that apparently most of the world prefers sweet popcorn : p
Multiple choice. I love hot and buttery, love cheesy and also that one cookies and cream popcorn I can literally never find again. And I have been looking, but I'm pretty sure it's been discontinued or somethin. The other flavors are still being made, just not the best one😔
The best popcorn for me is still sweet popcorn, the next best thing is caramel.

And I'm sorry for all TBT's from America but I've never understood why you eat salty popcorn or even worse...butter on popcorn 😂 I've lived in both California & Milwaukee for a while and my American friends always picked those butter popcorns at the movies...I tried it once but threw away the whole bucket after a few bites, the taste and combo are just so weird to me 😫 Since then, I always go for nachos & cheese when I go to the movies in the US.
ooo well most of the time it is buttery and salty. However, I do like those white cheddar bags of popcorn from the store...
Caramel popcorn is also good, but it can be a bit much for a movie.