How do you motivate yourself everyday


#1 Yuri/Dimitri Stan
Aug 28, 2015
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Timmy Christmas Doll
Pink Hybrid Lily
New Leaf Token
White Lily
Red Lily
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Winter Mittens
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
I might be alone on this feeling, but how do you get up every day? every time i wake up i just hear these negative thoughts and it gets worse with every day. i know im like depressed and stuff, ive been for awhile and it just gets worse but im just trying to find a reason to get up. its hard when my first thoughts everyday are that no one cares about my emotions and ****s just gonna happen. idk. i just want some advice maybe
Honestly I just force myself into routine. I take sleeping tablets to make sure I get enough sleep because I would literally just stay up in chunks of 48 hours otherwise.

When I wake up I have a double shot coffee, then I put on my makeup, then I go to work, play pokemon go on the way to work.... just have routines to do the same **** so it's easy to do day in day out
Have you considered talking to a professional about your thoughts and feelings? It does sound like depression to me. :(
Honestly, I used to be very negative due to my experiences with bullies in the past. Over the past two years, I’ve been practicing a more positive outlook on life. Positivity can be a huge difference maker in being happy and accomplishing your dreams. If you just have the mentality that you can be a more positive person, you can. There are motivational videos on YouTube which have really helped me towards becoming a stronger person. I watch a specific YouTuber, but there are many others. Mentality is everything here.

I understand it may be more difficult for some than just changing your mentality and being positive, but just know that happiness starts with you. You have the right to be happy.
Partially being in a routine helps me and partially being confident about myself, who I was, how much I?ve grown, and who I want to be in the future helps me a lot. When I?m confident it motivates me and when I get motivated I get confident. It just goes hand in hand. A positive outlook helps a lot as well. I can feel really frustrated or negative when something?s not working or things aren?t happening the way I want them to, but if I just change my attitude and find the good in it it helps. :)
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i just try to convince myself that i am strong and just drag myself through the day. it helps having friends to encourage you

I go to work, I deal with customers, I smile and be all pleasantries, even if a customer is being offensive to me cause I can't say anythin, I keep my mouth shut about quite a few things, I don't question people or their choices, I don't talk to my manager about my shotty work schedule (I mean 2 days a week?! Are you kidding me?) Then on Friday or whenever I work, I go pick up my paycheck, cash it, save the money to buy things like video game consoles and stuff that makes me happy, like stuffed animals and soft blankets.

So my advice, find somethin to work for that makes you happy? I'm the same way, on days when I do work, I drag myself out of bed, get ready and put on a face to get throu the week. Then I go home and play videogames.
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Have you considered talking to a professional about your thoughts and feelings? It does sound like depression to me. :(

definitely this...

i cant really tell you how i motivate myself because im not affected by negative thoughts the moment i wake up. i dont feel this at all...

if you have trouble just going about your day please speak to a counselor at school
it's hard to motivate myself, sometimes i just get up because i need to and don't think a second thought. other times i need motivation like going shopping on the weekend or something exciting like day off or holiday coming up. i suffer from depression too and in the dead of winter (february thru march) it becomes really difficult finding motivation with the lack of days off and holidays
My motivation is that no matter how horrible a day has gone or how bad life seems at a specific moment, I know that tomorrow is a new day. Obstacles are just that: obstacles. A new chapter is always waiting to be written.
I struggle with this as well. I don't know what will help you personally, but for me it's having responsibility and feeling like I can't let others down. So when all I want to do is pull the covers back over my head (which is quite often), I think about my dog who needs me to go to work so I can pay for his food and vet bills and keep a roof over our heads. I also think about how my husband needs me to be mentally strong as well because he doesn't know how to deal with it when I get too depressed (it depresses him too). Having others who rely on me gives me a sense of purpose and forces me to keep going even when I feel like giving up.

But I second talking to someone. Whether it's a close friend or family member or a professional, having someone who can help you through this so you don't feel alone is important.
definitely this...

i cant really tell you how i motivate myself because im not affected by negative thoughts the moment i wake up. i dont feel this at all...
if you have trouble just going about your day please speak to a counselor at school
I'm kind of this same way.
As soon as I wake up, a lot of things are waiting to be take care of by me. No moments to think about anything else much.

I used to be a living dead when I was younger and in DV family.
From that experience I can tell not always counselors or therapists help. They're not wizardry. They're just human and we have chemistry. It's hard to find the one that you can open up. And if you're underage, if you can see therapists or no could depend on your family's thoughts..
But, just "feeling down" or "depressed" and depression from disease are different. If it's the second one, you'd need help by doctors or therapists.

Oh I remember there's one fact. Physical exercise leads secreting one type of adrenalin that helps with depression. Actually it worked a lot to me.
Well ive tried counseling at least 3 times, all of which kinda backfired on me and made me paranoid. One school councilor even told something to my parents I didn't want them to know about.

I really do try to force myself to be positive, but I just always get sad especially in the night when reality hits im alone. It's hard to wake up everyday when the same sad stuff and stress happens every day. I've tried alot of things including working out. Just made me even more self aware about my body. I really don't know what else to do.
As for art motivation, just figure out the most comfortable way to get you drawing. Listening to music, eating a comfort food, watching a show, just do one of these things while drawing to keep focus. This is what I do when its difficult to put something down for the day. I also just remember that one day i don't draw is a lot of learning that i missed out on.

as for motivation for life and school... we don't know her

- - - Post Merge - - -

but this could still apply i suppose
Well ive tried counseling at least 3 times, all of which kinda backfired on me and made me paranoid. One school councilor even told something to my parents I didn't want them to know about.

I really do try to force myself to be positive, but I just always get sad especially in the night when reality hits im alone. It's hard to wake up everyday when the same sad stuff and stress happens every day. I've tried alot of things including working out. Just made me even more self aware about my body. I really don't know what else to do.

the counselor legally is not allowed to tell your parents anything unless your life or others were in danger. id report this!
Well ive tried counseling at least 3 times, all of which kinda backfired on me and made me paranoid. One school councilor even told something to my parents I didn't want them to know about.

I really do try to force myself to be positive, but I just always get sad especially in the night when reality hits im alone. It's hard to wake up everyday when the same sad stuff and stress happens every day. I've tried alot of things including working out. Just made me even more self aware about my body. I really don't know what else to do.

Have you tried taking any sleeping supplements like melatonin? the over the counter stuff isn't that strong, BUT, it should help you get to sleep instead of staying up just.... thinking. Sleep is basically THE BIGGEST factor in mood disorders. And of course, mood disorder > no sleep > rinse and repeat.

I recommend trying a sleep supplement if you can. Try get enough sleep, and see if you diet is lacking anything too. I know it sounds nuts, but mood disorders are physical and emotional. Only by eliminating all the physical factors as much as possible, can we give ourselves the best chance to work out the more difficult emotional parts. I don't think you need to work out, but more basic exercises like walking is good to get in, uh, not to get to into it but ; mitochondria. They need their excercise and activity to keep active and working as they should. Keep em creased!

Try to do things that foster greater confidence in yourself. Teach yourself new things, work on your skills. It's hard, but if you can make yourself excited about a 'thing' it can give you motivation to... it has countless times for me! Best wishes and I hope you feel better soon. Everything is always harder in the winter too, if it's winter where you're at.
Oof, warning, this got p long.
Hi there! That really, really sucks. Winter is a hard time for me too, having less hours of sun, and stress of school, can make people with depression have a v hard time. I've been ?really low? a few times in my past with hurting myself and trying to.. end it. People helped me get to a hospitilization program, and it helped! Yeah, I get times when it gets bad and low, and makes me wonder if I'm still doing the right thing by living on, but, as cliche as it sounds, it will get better! Tomorrow? Unlikely, but who knows. But in a year, or a few? I thought I was gonna be stuck living with my abusive parents forever, but one day I got to move in with my best friend across the country.

As other suggest, Melatonin! It helps! The docs at the hospital explained it helpes regulate sleep for people woth depression. Since we never quite feel 'energetic' nor feel 'really tired'. Something called Trazadon (spelling?) helped me STAY asleep too, Melatonin alone didn't help me.

A couple other tips I learned:

Get like, a paper, or slightly sturdy paper, or a paper folder, where people can write on. Take it to any friends, family, teacher, etc. Anyone who you truly believes cares about you. Maybe even get a few lesser known people if you think they will do it. Ask them to write nice things. Things they like about you. And they can leave it anonomous if they like! I look back at the one I have still, and seeing the Positive things, helps!

Another, if you ever feel bad at yourself for spending time gaming, reading, listening to music, etc, when you could do 'other things' like being active, social, working, etc... Dont. The docs say you shouldn't be upset at yourself for coping! Sure, others will say you shouldn't soend all day coping, and yes, you should be able to eventually move on, and other other things, but, when it's all you really CAN do, then do it. I see some deltarune stuff there! Listen to some music, maybe watch a letsplay, or look at clips of your favorite parts? Look at cool fanart of Ralsei? If they make you feel good, then it IS a good thing!

Now, this is gonna be a hard one. Set an alarm for every hour you are home. Everytime it goes off, pause. And think POSITIVE things. Even at first if you don't believe them, just do it, for about a minute. Don't know what things to say? It's okay, I didn't either. I thought of what I WANT others to think of me as! "I'm kind, I'm good, I'm gonna be okay, I'm funny, I'm smart, I'm beautiful." You may not believe those words yet, but it's been shown that postivie thinking helps people! Start avoiding saying stuff "I hate myself, My life sucks, I wanna die" EVEN if it's semi jokingly!!! If all you think is negative out in the day, it'll be the only thoughts to occupy your mind at night... This one helped me, AND my sister. And she was sucidial herself when she was 8.

Now, for awhile, it'll still be hard to want to do things instead of stay in bed. Maybe use things as a motivator? Like, if I just get through the day, I'll be a day closer to whenever Toby finishes Deltarune :) Or when a comic, show, movie updates/comes out?

Lastly, don't live for others, do it for yourself. Even if you aren't at the point of ending it, I more so mean, just, doing what YOU want in life. I learned that sometimes you really won't have anyone. That can be hard, and very painful. But it'll be okay. One day, even if its far away, you WILL meet better people! The best friend I moved in with? We don't get along anymore. Instead? I became good friends with her brother, and he helped me through some times when I was so hurt when she would just watch me fall apart. And I had to move across the US at 18 to find a decent friend.

Oh, one more thing. A looot of people do this. Don't ever think, I shouldn't be complaining, people have had it worse.

Please, don't ever, EVER, think that! Hurt is still hurt, even if it's different or less. We shouldn't ignore our hurts, or dismiss them as petty. Being hurt, no matter how little it is, is awful. For anyone.

Hope you have a good day out there buddy! :)