How do you prefer to find new villagers?

How do you prefer to find new villagers?

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Most of the time I go villager hunting with a specific villager or two in mind. If I can't find them after a while, I'll just invite the first villager who I like (which, with the amount of villagers I like in general, doesn't take me too long).

However, if I've visited other people often enough to get a stack of villagers in the void, I'll let the plot fill up out of curiosity. That's actually how I got Avery, a villager I had regretted passing up on a mystery island previously!
definitely amiibo, mostly because I don't have time and patience to villager hunt or wait RNGod to bless me with my dreamies

Funnily enough I got 2 dreamies that I purely got by chance. Frita is one of my starters, and Sprinkle is from the meager NMT to fill the first 3 plots

It might sounds insignificant, but what I love from getting villagers from different methods gives you different dialogues when you talk to them using freshly created player's character. Frita will be like "I've been here from the very beginning! I'm as OG as it could be!"

Yes you are, girl. Yes you are💪
I have never used an Amiibo card and I probably never will. I like meeting new villagers, especially those I've never seen before (all villagers are the same personalities with different faces slapped on, anyway!) so the campsite and RNG have been my go-to "strategies". AKA mostly just letting fate take the wheel.

However, I have recently gone on some island hours to "find" interesting villagers on my own. Well... I tried, at least. I visited a grand total of two islands. I saw Naomi on the second one, loved her design (and needed a snooty villager!) and now she calls Pawtucket home.

I grow attached to villagers based on my experiences with them in the game, so I don't have a set list of dream villagers that I want based on past memories from previous games or their designs. There are a few villagers are are really cute that I'd like to meet, like Bea, Henry, Goose, Stitches, etc. And there are villagers I've loved in previous games who I'd love to meet again, like Goldie, Pinky, Lobo, Genji, and Monique. But I like novelty too much to keep the same villagers forever :p
I mainly use amiibos to move in my villagers, though I do watch the campsite often!
I used to only want a set villager list for my island, but decided to move in others’ randomly to get more var
Most of the time Isabelle will tell me that someone is in the campsite so I go to check and see a cute new islander. That is how I mostly find my islanders or if not that when I go on mystery island tours which is more rare.

The last islander I got tho was though a Amiibo card as I wanted this islander for a while and it was the only way to invite them :)
I usually let the plot fill randomly. I was trying to find that feeling that Wild World gave me and I think part of that was trying to befriend villagers I didn’t essentially like the look of. I think villagers have been reduced so much in NH to almost just another decorative item on your island that I found I wasn’t actually making any meaningful connection with them. So now my rule is you have to get everyone’s photos and once you’ve done that if they ask to leave they leave. And I can’t pick who moves in.
I still have a fair number of my starting villagers (grew attached :’)). the rest are old faves that I scanned in with amiibo, and new NH villagers that piqued my interest, adopted from others. I haven’t island hopped too much, but I get the appeal - it seems it scratches the same kind of RNG/gambling itch as stuff like shiny pokemon and gacha do.
i mean i have a couple of dreamies i suppose - but also hitting up mystery island tours and finding a new homie you've not considered/seen before (eg blaire for me) is also quite groovesters.
I love hunting on mystery island tours! Usually I go in with a certain villager in mind, and find someone exciting that I end up getting instead. All the ones I've adopted have been just amazing, pure luck. Most of my permanent villagers have come this way. I've found Diana, Tangy, Bunnie, Coco, Audie, and Kyle just wandering through mystery tours.
two of my dreamies i need to add in [judy and daisy] are amiibos, same with lily and chelsea, but the rest i need to hunt for with nmt!
I love going on mystery island tours to find new villagers and I usually do it with a personality or a bunch of villagers I like in mind. Nothing too specific though. I want to follow my heart and take anyone who speaks to me. I do invite villagers via amiibo (to fill personality gaps or to have this and that face around for a while/for the vibes) but I try to keep these to a minimum. If I use my favourite amiibos early on, chances are I won't let villagers move away and I need diversity and change as to not get bored. :/
When we first started we were adamant about not looking up any villagers beforehand when hunting; we wanted it to be a complete surprise on who we'd find during the hunt!
These days though since the game has been out a few years I pretty much know what all of the villagers look like and have all the amiibo, but if I were wanting a new villager I'd preferably want to do it the old fashion way of island hopping, it's way more engaging and rewarding to find who you're after

If I had to pick someone new right now, I'd probably want Freya❤️ She's pink (which fits my somewhat pink island) and she's a wolf 😆
When the game was new I'd go on mystery tours and pick someone I vibed with, I ended up with new favorites who I never would have chosen normally because of that. I usually just scan in amiibo now.
If someone leaves I like to look through the islands until I find someone I like
My normal process is determining what personality all my villagers are, and then sorting through a list of villagers who have the personality type I'm missing, picking a handful of ones I like and then I will only invite one of those to my island.
If I can't find any villagers I like from that personality, or I have all personalities, I try and invite an animal species I don't have on the island yet
I have a list I have to follow to get the villagers I like. I don't follow a theme, just taking the boys and girls I like. To reach my objective, I'll use hunting, adopting villagers from people and the few amiibo cards I have.
Hunting for the first three villagers, normal, peppy and lazy because the five other personalities are not involved so it's easier!
i haven’t had to find a new villager in ages, but my favourite way to do so is definitely island hopping! going island hopping to find a new villager is my favourite thing to do in new horizons; i love the excitement of not knowing which villager will be on each island, what island layout i’ll get, and occasionally coming across a sister fruit island is always nice as well (i still miss the hybrid island so bad, though 😩)! i usually have a few villagers in mind when i go island hopping, but usually i’m happy with any villager that i come across that i wouldn’t mind having! i like to go in with an open mind, so that i don’t spend hours looking for a specific villager or two, and i get to meet and have a villager i might not otherwise :’)

i’ve had plots autofill and have invited villagers via amiibo before as well; both are fun and great options as well, but island hopping will forever be my favourite method 💖
Seeing how the thread got bumped a while ago, I might as well say it.
I just let the plot get filled or invite a villager who randomly appears in the campsite. I found several villagers I like (*cough* *cough* Monty and Kody *cough* *cough*) that way.
I like the campsite the most ^^; I got my villagers mostly by Amiibo. But I really enjoy seeing who's at the camp site. I know some people really like island hopping, but I don't. The last time I did ai found Bruce. But I havent looked for new villagers in months.

But the campsite is more fun. Its also the best way to get a villager ýou want.

I highly encourage people looking for a specific villager to do the campsite method. It can take awhile, but it works really well.
Once I got my starting 10, I just used the random villagers that appeared in the campsite to replace my villagers with new ones. If I liked the villager that appeared, or wanted to replace a villager that was around for awhile, then I'd invite them to my island. The one upside to doing it this way was that I could force out any villager I wanted to, provided I was ready to reset multiple times if necessary.