To those that are saying that there isn’t going to be much possibilities since it on mobile. You are wrong.
I’ve been playing a game called “club penguin island” and it’s probably bigger than any other game in the App Store.
The game is an open virtual world with 3D graphics. Updated monthly and It has ALOT of places to explore.
If Nintendo makes AC like that then it will definitely destroy the App Store and probably become the 1st on trending.
Although , I don’t think so. Yeah. I really don’t. Nintendo has been always a lazy ass lol. Most of their mobile games are pretty lame.
Just like the Mario run. I was all hyped and excited for it until i played it.
Personally , I am not really a huge fan of mobile gaming however, if Nintendo pulls this off in a clever way then I might consider it.
Lastly l I do have a question: How is Nintendo going to make money out of it?