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How does data become corrupted?

I would argue that resetting when saving/loading has an almost-100% chance of corrupting the files. Exiting in any other case shouldn't really cause it, unless there exists an auto-save system which I'm not aware of.
I still don't see the causal connection between resetting and save corruption.

People agree that save corruption is just a really common occurrence with this game, right?

"But all these people experienced save corruption after resetting!" Well, yeah... That's a bunch of extra times you're opening the game again. Every time you open up your game there is a chance of save corruption, so obviously if you're opening up your game more often, there is a higher risk.

What I don't get how doing the resetting trick (quitting without saving) would cause save corruption, which would happen if the save file was somehow tampered with (e.g., shutting the game off while in the middle of saving). I mean I'm not an expert on this kind of thing but I don't get how the two could be connected. It just seems like unfortunate coincidence to me.
It's scary how random it is though, so many people have done the resetting trick (I must have done it at least 100 times) or duping trick and their files are fine.
It's not really random, it occurs basically when people are doing something the game does not want you to do. Such as, turning the power off before the saving process finishes, quitting without saving (a lot), removing the cart while the game is still running, banging the console around while the game is running, stuff like that.

What I don't get how doing the resetting trick (quitting without saving) would cause save corruption, which would happen if the save file was somehow tampered with (e.g., shutting the game off while in the middle of saving). I mean I'm not an expert on this kind of thing but I don't get how the two could be connected. It just seems like unfortunate coincidence to me.
From my understanding, the game knows you reset because it puts some marker of some kind when you load the game and removes said marker when you save and quit. I imagine it has to do with this. Again, by resetting a lot, you really are going against what the game is programmed to handle. It can handle a couple resets usually (battery dying, accidentally powering off, what-have-you), but it's not meant to take repeated resetting like that which people have to do for the resetting trick. You're not supposed to quit while the game is still running, that is a fact. By doing so, you're increasing your risk for something going wrong with your game. This even goes for basically any game really, not just Animal Crossing. Do something the game is not meant to handle and it's more likely to malfunction. This isn't about being for or against using these cheats, tricks, and glitches, it's just true.
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Makes sense. I wish Nintendo would make it so people didn't feel the need to reset (for villager house locations, anyway). :\
Makes sense. I wish Nintendo would make it so people didn't feel the need to reset (for villager house locations, anyway). :\

But people who reset are most likely in the very small minority. Most people don't feel the need to reset.
Enough people are getting screwed by save corruption (even without resetting) for them to consider it, imo.
Enough people are getting screwed by save corruption (even without resetting) for them to consider it, imo.

True. To be honest, I enjoy random villager/house placement because it provides something new.

Is your avatar who I think it is?
It is. :p

I realize some people don't mind random house placement, but a lot of people do and apparently there's reason to think resetting messes with your file, so... I just feel like Nintendo should make an effort to prevent save corruption.
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I wouldn't have as much fun in this game without the reset trick so not resetting is not an option for me. xD If it corrupts so be it.

Luckily I'm close to my dream town (although I'm using my last slot for random villagers so I can get Willow back from cycling, but that means I'll be less picky with there they go). xD Hoping as I move forward I'll need less resetting since I'll have more pwps down.
It is. :p

I realize some people don't mind random house placement, but a lot of people do and apparently there's reason to think resetting messes with your file, so... I just feel like Nintendo should make an effort to prevent save corruption.

I think most people just don't care. But yeah, Nintendo should definitely try and fix the corruption (if thats possible)
I don't think it is possible to fix it. I don't believe Nintendo thought we'd reset for villagers so fixing it would be impossible.
I figure something is possible to make save corruption less rampant if they can patch Maka Wuhu in MK7. I didn't necessarily mean just for this game though (future games as well).
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Maybe in the next Animal Crossing, they'll give us more control.
They'll start to be aware of the corruption problem when someone who works for Nintendo loses their stuff from corruption.
What I don't get how doing the resetting trick (quitting without saving) would cause save corruption, which would happen if the save file was somehow tampered with (e.g., shutting the game off while in the middle of saving). I mean I'm not an expert on this kind of thing but I don't get how the two could be connected. It just seems like unfortunate coincidence to me.

It could be linked to having the wi-fi switch on while reseting, maybe there's background saves going on while checking for spotpass stuff.

Wasn't there a saving glitch where the game would sometimes hang if you saved with the wi-fi switch on?

It's not really random, it occurs basically when people are doing something the game does not want you to do. Such as, turning the power off before the saving process finishes, quitting without saving (a lot), removing the cart while the game is still running, banging the console around while the game is running, stuff like that.

I guess, but I meant random as in for instance I've reset maybe 50+ times in a row without any corruption happening but someone else resets once or their battery runs out and they get a corruption.
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Okay, so this is what I've been thinking.

The only reason people actually reset is because they want someone to move somewhere specific or because someone changed their mind about moving. So I'd like to think that in another Animal Crossing they would give us the ability to at least make certain areas where a villager can move and lessen the chances of a villager changing their mind, there would be less resets - almost next to none. :/

But if corruptions are not caused by resets, nevermind.
Nintendo need to figure out a way to allow us to back up save files, it's not just this forum I've seen people post about corrupted saves but GameFAQs and Reddit too.

It's scary how random it is though, so many people have done the resetting trick (I must have done it at least 100 times) or duping trick and their files are fine.

I think people should contact Nintendo support about this so they're just aware game corruption is a common issue. Nintendo is pretty bad about listening to its community unless it's blatantly upfront and sent through the "Contact Us" link on Nintendo.com.

I remember back in City Folk when a bunch of forums were super upset about Grass Deterioration barely anyone actually contacted Nintendo about it, which is why I assume they kept Grass Deterioration in New Leaf. Nintendo just never heard about it being huge issue because it was doubtful they read complaints on any fan-forum.
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People had corruptions by resetting with the home button. :/

Thry UST be mistaken, they have to. I know I don't know much about Nintendo's hardware and software. But I have a lot of knowledge on software, and I know there is always a safe and correct way to close a program. Nintendo's home button does just this .It even saves certain memory from it's process
Thry UST be mistaken, they have to. I know I don't know much about Nintendo's hardware and software. But I have a lot of knowledge on software, and I know there is always a safe and correct way to close a program. Nintendo's home button does just this .It even saves certain memory from it's process

Really? Because I'm pretty sure with most of the stories I've read, they went to the home button and exited out that way.
In order to know for sure, some experimentation has to be done. It would involve testing all known variables, like model, wi-fi on or off, etc.

One test I did involved me using a spare 3DS that I transferred all my stuff off, with a digital copy of the game, wi-fi on, and I reset around 11 times, trying to emulate the conditions. None of the 11 resets seem to cause any damage at all.

So I don't know what the connecting link between the stories are. Is there a common factor?
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