How far along are you with your Nook Mile achievements?


Aug 4, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Orange Heart Balloon
Orange Bunny Balloon
The Bell Tree Fair 2024 Patch
Orange Balloon
Orange Balloon
I've seen these kinds of threads posted before, but now I have a better scope of how I'm doing/what I'll realistically I feel comfortable weighing in. More so looking for input from consistent players/people who are sort of close, or closing in on being done. Here's what I'm working with:

Angling For Perfection: 3,163/5,000 - I can actually see myself completing this eventually. I don't mind fishing, and find I can't pass up catching certain shadows when I see them.
You've Got The Bug: 1,705/2,000 - I can see myself finishing level 4 here, but I assume the 5th level is 3,000 which I highly doubt I'll ever hit. I just can't be bothered.
Deep Dive: 1,805/2,500 - I'll finish this one purely for the reason that it was (I think) the only one I didn't acquire in NL.
DIY Tools: 831/1,000 - Another one I can see reaching level 5 but not actually finishing it. The amount required is ridiculous.
DIY Furniture: 1,037/3,000 - Doubt I'll finish this one either. I don't have 1000 Amiibo to scan in, and that's really the only outlet where I get points for this achievement.
Smile Isle: 177/300 - This one's outta my hands, so I have no idea if I'll finish it or not. This achievement is actually the one I use to call people out when they say they've completed every achievement.
Nook Miles for Miles: 1,815/3,000 - When I saw 3,000 was the final achievement mark, I thought I'd never hit it...but it's actually racking up faster than I expected, so it's probably doable.
KK Mania: 67/100 - Without TTing, this is roughly 8 months worth of shows...can't guarantee I'll still be as engaged in 8 months time...

And there you have it, this is what I'm working I'd like to know what you're working with.
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Behold, my progress:
  • I only catch critters when I feel like it, so majority of my achievements have been stagnant.
  • I always customize my tools rather than create new ones. Again, no progress since last year. Also, this is the reason why I still haven't gotten the Golden Axe. Too lazy to craft and grind chopping wood.
  • I can't remember the last time I crafted a new DIY. I think the last one was back at Festivale since that was the last one we had a new DIY I think? Also, the lack of new updates is the primary reason for me not building things.
  • I think the Smile Isle is the one that keeps going up without me noticing. I like to talk to my villagers a lot so I get requests often.
  • I have my alarm set at 6PM every Saturday but I'm too lazy to open the game just to listen to KK. I'm such a KK fan.
  • I could not be bothered to play the game at night so I have been neglecting Wisp.
  • I barely touch the postcards at the airport. So I really haven't wrote letters to my precious villagers.
  • I haven't touched my fruit trees. Been keeping them for decoration so I haven't harvested them in a long time.
  • I let my flowers spread so I barely planted seedlings. The reason why my achievement for Flower Power is sooooo low.
  • After finishing my fossil collection, I haven't dug any fossils... ever.
This is from a guy that has clocked in 800 hours into this game. Thank you for reading.
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these are the ones I’m working on :

Angling for perfection: 3,682/5,000
You’ve got a bug: 2,866/5,000
Deep Dive: 1,858/2,000
DIY tools : 598/1,000
DIY furniture: 950/1,000
Rough-hewn 3,587/5,000
Pick.a bunch 467/500 I keep giving all my fruit to villagers instead of selling it so I can get their photos.
Nook miles for miles: 1,309/3,000
Snowmaestro : 15/20
K.K. Mania: 55/60
Birthday Celebration: 16/20
Shady Shakedown: 87/100
Golden Milestone: need the golden shovel and golden axe
You've got the bug: 3704/5000
Deep dive: 1683/2500
Diy tools: 1194/3000
Diy furniture: 1243/3000
Picked a bunch: 2322/3000
Smile isle: 131/300
Nook miles for miles: 2037/3000
Cornering the stalk market: 2.6mill/10mill
Kk mania: 35/60

I've been pretty lazy this month. I keep forgetting about KK Slider and turnips. I probably have to do the alarm thing which I am not too keen on doing.
I've gotten every Nook Mile achievement except for K.K. Mania, where I'm currently sitting at 70/100. It's definitely a painful one for non-TTers to get, since I've been playing the game daily and attended every KK concert I could so far, yet I'm still 30 weeks away from reaching it (which would be on February 12, 2022...yikes). As for the other ones, well, needless to say I grinded away at most of them for a long time in order to get them done, lol. I'm happy I completed them, but man are some of the achievement requirements brutal.

You've Got The Bug: 1,705/2,000 - I can see myself finishing level 4 here, but I assume the 5th level is 3,000 which I highly doubt I'll ever hit. I just can't be bothered.

The last level is 5000, the same as Angling for Perfection.

DIY Furniture: 1,037/3,000 - Doubt I'll finish this one either. I don't have 100 Amiibo to scan in, and that's really the only outlet where I get points for this achievement.

Pro-tip: You can easily do this one if you've got the Document Stack item and have learned both the Document Stack and Scattered Papers DIYs. It's really boring to grind and absolutely requires doing something else (i.e. watching a video) while you're grinding, but it's more or less the only efficient way of getting it.

Smile Isle: 177/300 - This one's outta my hands, so I have no idea if I'll finish it or not. This achievement is actually the one I use to call people out when they say they've completed every achievement.
Honestly, Smile Isle isn't as bad once you learn the trick to it. Every hour, two of your villagers will give you requests if you talk to them, uh, around 5-7 times at once. The basic process I went through to grind it out is:
  1. Open the game up after a new hour has started, talk to each villager until I've exhausted their dialog or gotten a request
  2. Once I get two requests, stop talking to the villagers and fulfill both requests before the hour is up
  3. Save and close the game
  4. Repeat at the start of a new hour
You can kind of get an idea of how well this worked for me, since I jumped from 127/300 on January 12 to 168/300 on April 3 (+41 in just under 3 months, iirc I learned of the trick around a month before this) to completing it on May 27 (+132 in just under 2 months).
I still need the following
300 fish for angling for perfection
31 days for island togetherness
1916 bugs for you've got the bug
881 for deep dive
2601 for DIY tools
1439 for DIY furniture
I was 16 away from cast master (still not sure how my chain broke :/ )
4 from remarkable remodeler (I'm happy with my first choice...)
237 requests for smile isle
708 from nook miles for miles
5 from flea flicker
3 from snowmaestro
3 from wispy island secrets
79 from KK mania
16 from birthday celebration
and I still need to fall into a pitfall

Slowly getting there...
Main Island Player 1 with no time travel has everything but K.K. Slider. Think it's 70/100.
During the Winter I spent time crafting DIY Furniture and Tools. Bamboo Wall Decoration takes 1 piece of Bamboo.
i have a lot left but i want to complete them all eventually. thankfully there arent any street pass achievements lol. heres what i still need

angling for perfection: 4,648/5000
on the last stamp for this. i like to fish so its not a chore

youve got the bug: 3503/5000
also on the last stamp, but i dont catch bugs nearly as often apparently

deep dive: 472/1000
i have two more stamps to go on this and i dont particularly enjoy diving so who knows when ill complete it

diy tools: 820/1000
still need two more stamps. i used to craft my tools but have just been buying the black outdoor tools from nooks for a few months now since i like them

diy furniture: 708/1000
still need two more stamps and i think its going to be tough to complete

cast master: 72/100
on the last stamp and i am nowhere near complete. i worked my way to a 72 streak in the first month of the games release and have been no where close since then

smile isle: 96/100
still need two more stamps. almost to the last one but i think its gonna be a while to fulfill this many villager requests

nook miles for miles: 1191/3000
on my last stamp. i dont make it a habit to do the nook miles+ achievements so maybe i should start doing that more

popular pen pal: 41/50
still need 3 more stamps.. ive been neglecting my relationships with my villagers apparently

snowmaestro: none lol ;-; i had to look up the name of this one since i cant manage to make a perfect snowman even once

kk mania: 20/30
still need 3 more stamps since i always forget to attend his concerts

true patron of the arts: 17/20
on my last stamp! pretty close

you otter know: 13/20
on my last stamp. id probably finish this quickly if i ever went diving since completing my encyclopedia

birthday celebration: 15/20
last stamp, pretty close

shady shakedown: 60/100
last stamp. wow i always forget this is a thing.. i need to shake my trees more

golden milestone: missing the shovel still. who knows how many more times i need to help gulliver though

thats all i have left. i think the toughest one is going to be the snowman achievement although cast master is a close second
I just got my 5,000 bug stamp today, and I finally got the gosh dang golden shovel recipe last week, so now the only stamps left I need are the one for 300 favors for villagers and the 100 KK concerts, then I'll have them all. So close, but without time travel, still so, so far... ^o^;>
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i have a lot left but i want to complete them all eventually. thankfully there arent any street pass achievements lol. heres what i still need

COMPLETELY agree lol
The amount of times I had to bring my 3DS to a convention, mall, amusement park etc etc. drove me crazy because I hated bringing it anywhere in the first place.
it’s been a slow process for me as i’m not grinding, but i only have 10 achievements left to complete and believe that completing them all is a realistic goal for me :). here’s what i’ve got left;

angling for perfection: 4,358/5,000
you’ve got the bug: 3,964/5,000
deep dive: 1,380/2,500
diy tools: 927/1,000
diy furniture: 1,122/3,000
flower power: 289/300 so close!
cornering the stalk market: 3,257,100/10,000,000
popular pen pal: 137/200
k.k. mania: 68/100
birthday celebration: 16/20 so close!
Did anyone else have a really hard time with Cast Master? I LOVE AC fishing, but that one was kicking my butt.
I got it accidentally while drunk on my main island. No idea how I pulled that one off.

But you can cheat it. If you miss one, turn the game straight off. That way you never lose your streak.
I got it accidentally while drunk on my main island. No idea how I pulled that one off.

But you can cheat it. If you miss one, turn the game straight off. That way you never lose your streak.

Literally never crossed my mind….. 😂
I finished all of mine a couple of months ago. I did some time travel to get the KK Slider one. I worked hard on them over the winter. I made sure to catch 20 bugs and sea critters every day. I also crafted 10 furniture items and 10 tools each day.
I need:

DIY Furniture 2,668/3,000
Smile Isle 173/300
Nook Miles for Miles 2,345/3,000
K.K. Mania 57/60 (and then whatever the last level is… 100, I think?)

And then I will be done! 😃 I’ve loved doing these and hope they add more (not very likely but still).
I’ve been working towards completing all the achievements but it’s been very slow, especially with taking quite a few breaks from the game

bugs don’t bug me: 79/80 - only have the Golden Stag left which I’ve managed to scare away on the very rare occasions I’ve seen it
DIY furniture: 1169/3000 - slowed down on this one as I’ve crafted most items I need on my island so will just have to pick something random to grind out
DIY tools: 1189/3000 - another slow one that needs some grinding
smile isle: 226/300 - this is higher then I’d expected so hopefully shouldn’t take too long now compared to some of the others
popular pen pal: 24/50 - long way off on this one as I never think to send letters
K.K. mania: 21/30 - even with TTing I somehow nearly always miss his concert, think this will be the last one I complete
I haven't really been focusing on these, but this thread is a good reminder that I shouldn't ignore these forever. :p These are the ones I haven't completed yet:

Angling for Perfection: 3,693/5000 - this will take a while still.
Island Ichthyologist: 79/80 - I just need one more fish, which I should get in early September.
Deep Dive: 1,491/2,500 - I don't do much diving any more, so this could take me a couple years.
DIY Tools: 1,487/3,000 - Not quite halfway there. Maybe by 2023. :p
DIY Furniture: 972/1000 (not on final tier yet) - I'm starting to craft with my excess materials lately instead of storing them all, so my pace will pick up.
Furniture Freshener: 168/200
Greedy Weeder: 1,010/2,000 (4th of 5 tiers). Most of my pulled weeds become pitfall seeds, so I don't sell many.
Clam and Collected: 196/200 - I'm so close, I might do this right after I post this.
Hoard Reward: 109/150
Remarkable Remodeler: 4/5 - I just placed my order, so this will be done tomorrow.
Smile Isle: 197/300
Bell Ringer: 4,837,165/5,000,000 - Getting close!
Cornering the Stalk Market: 1,222,700/10,000,000 - I rarely buy turnips, so this could take me years.
Popular Pen Pal: 66/100 (4th of 5 tiers)
K.K. Mania: 68/100
Birthday Celebration: 16/20
(???) - blank one between Countdown Celebration and First Custom Design. I don't care enough to look it up yet, but I will eventually. :p
Golden Milestone: 5/6 - I just need the golden rod, which I should get in September.

Still much to do!