How long before it's considered Necro?


Rainy Love
May 9, 2016
Peach (Fruit)
Apple (Fruit)
Cherry (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
How long can a topic be not posted in that you can still post in it before it's considered nercoing it?

What I mean is:
Say a topic hasn't been posted in in about a month, can you still post in it?
I know on sites the necro range is different. Typically it seems to be 3 months on sites I've been on before it's considered necroing the thread, but I don't know what it is here?

Or is it more of a case-by-case basis?​
i think it not only depends on how old the thread is, but how relevant the topic is too, but I'm not sure. it seems to vary in the cases I've seen, but I don't bump old threads just to play it safe.​
That's what I was assuming but I haven't been here long enough to know for sure either way.
I don't know if there is a definite set "x amount of time has passed, so if you post here now it's necro", since some sites have that and some don't.
Maybe a staff member will come in here and give some kind of definite line or something.​
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It comes down to your own digression and common sense - the general rule I follow is 2 months, but it can vary. If you're bumping a thread about your favorite color from 7 months ago you're probably better off making a new one. Though if you're like playing a video game, the thread about it hasn't been posted in for 3 or 4 months, but some new info comes out about it and you want to post it, then you're better off posting it in the thread since it's relevant and not just posting for the same of posting.

So yeah, there really isn't an actual defined period of time IMO, most of it just comes down to common sense.
That is common sense yes.
I just know that on another site, sometimes people will post in a thread that hasn't been posted in for maybe a month or two, and then it becomes active after that bump, but the mods still close it.
Which to me doesn't make much sense, if it becomes lively again then why close it?
Obviously I'm aware of the fact that this is a different site, but I know some sites work in similar ways.

Generally if it's 2+ months old I wouldn't post in it just to avoid possible necro', but I wasn't sure if this site had a specific line for necro or not, as I mentioned. Some sites do, but they just don't post it, and some sites don't.
Thanks for your input though.​
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I don't think there's any set time limit, I created a Game of Thrones thread last year & it wasn't active for months when season 5 ended last year & I bumped it back up a few weeks ago since it's still relevant and season 6 just started.
Jake and Pepper have the right idea here with pretty good advice -- that's how we as staff look at thread bumps too. We don't have any specific time limit set out at this time or one that we use internally, although it might be worth introducing a clearer guideline in the future.
Alright, good to know.
I figured most of this was accurate or true anyway, but I thought I'd ask just to make sure.
Since I know some sites vary, as I already mentioned.
Some sites are more strict with their necro-ing and some are more free, like this site seems to be apparently.
I just wasn't sure which was the case on this site, but I'm glad to hear it's bit more of a common sense type thing rather than strict time frames.
Thanks for letting me know :)