Someone was incredibly kind enough to offer me Audie for free, and I had a villager already in boxes. I decided to time travel ahead a day and get her moved out so I could claim Audie since she's insanely popular. However, when I went to grab her, it turned out that the person didn't know that she was supposed to be in boxes for someone to claim her. I told her she could either time travel a day ahead and I'd claim her then, or we could wait until tomorrow to do it. She didn't seem too keen on TTing so she went with the latter option. However, I time traveled back to today to get everything back to normal, and I'm now reading online that villagers tend to claim plots pretty quickly so I might not be able to wait until tomorrow.
Can anyone clarify/confirm this? I'd rather not wait until tomorrow to find out and get stuck with someone that I really don't like (I have way too many tickets saved up).
Can anyone clarify/confirm this? I'd rather not wait until tomorrow to find out and get stuck with someone that I really don't like (I have way too many tickets saved up).