Almost 10 years! I can't believe it's actually been that long. I've had breaks in-between, with studying etc, but it's pretty much been on and off since then!
Since mid-2010. I saw a game called 'Animal Crossing: Wild World' in my R4, and I avoided it because I thought it's supposed to be another one of those stupid kids games for the DS.
I was wrong.
I was extremely bored at my house so I decided to play some DS games. I also found them to be a bit boring and I tried out the games I didn't want to play and see if they are actually worthy. AC:WW came first, and then, at that day... My love for Animal Crossing started. I played the game like a madman and realized all my first thoughts on the game were wrong. It was awesome.
I started in 2014 with animal crossing New leaf only for the reason that the person I bought the 3ds from on Craigslist had already purchased the game digitally. I had no idea what it even was prior to that. For that reason, I can say that Craigslist impacted my life in a very positive way lol