How long was your ACNH break?


Spooky Time
Feb 9, 2015
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Mine was 6 months, started playing again in September. Prior to my break I’d check in but rarely, such as once a week or once every two weeks. The last time I was playing regularly was Toy Day.
I took a break last year from mid-August to mid-October

I took a break this year from about mid-May to about early-July.
Define break.
I've had a break period where I played 1 or 2 hours a day around 3 days a week.
That lasted 2 or 3 months.

But since January I've been back to playing daily for several hours a day.

So if that counts as a break, then that.
I’ve been playing a few hours a week, and definitely not as much as I used to. When this game was first released, I was playing the entire day. I think it was because there were new things to do, and the game just starting getting stale over time.
For me it was around 3 months after I took a break around February 2021 then I came back on May 2021 after I got my 2nd switch that gave the motivation to play again since at the time I had to delete my old (Traverse), while transferring all my items to the 2nd island. It was an experience that I needed the most.
ongoing 😅 i took a break towards the end of last summer i think (july/aug time) then started playing again in autumn through to late spring/early summer, then i reset around June this year, played for a few months again and now I'm on an unofficial break again. I have been thinking about playing this past week which is more than can be said for the majority of my break, so hopefully i'm going to pick it back up again soon!
Kinda like what @Moritz said. There was about 3 months where I played for no more than 30mins a day. But my longest break of not playing at all was probably like 3 days.

With previous titles I think I played Animal Crossing GameCube for a couple months and then never again. Wild World I purchased, played for a couple weeks, and then (regrettably) sold it. City Folk I played on and off for like half a year and then never again. New Leaf I played for about four months straight, put it down for 3 years, and then played consistently for about four months and then on and off for four more before never playing again.
I took a long break last year between July and the beginning of November after playing for multiple hours a day since the game released, then returned to playing it daily up till the end of March when I then decided to take a break and go back to playing New Leaf which I've been playing daily for the last few months.

I've mostly popped back to NH for short stints when I have island inspiration, to check on my villagers and to collect seasonal items but I'm trying to visit my island a little more often at the moment to do some more decorating and collect some villager photos.
Similar to @Moritz and @Ganucci i have never taken a break where i stopped playing, but I have had a couple months where I only play for like a hour a day, instead of multiple hours I day. one was in fall of last year when I started being in the office full time again and life got hectic, and similarly I had a period like this in the spring, maybe a month, as well as the last couple weeks when we have been moving.

Still, I have never yet had a day where I didn’t play at all, or where I didn’t want to play at least a little.
i took a break last year from april-october and then took another break from january-august of this year :< i get burnt out v easily so it leads to me not playing for a while
I haven't had a break from New Horizons, as I've managed to play it daily since it came out. That said, my play time has gradually decreased since the beginning, so nowadays I'm only playing for like 15-30 minutes a day.
I played on it yesterday for the first time since late June, so two months. That was the first time I took a break from the game, I had only missed a few days at most before then.
I can't remember how long my last break was but I decided which time of the year was best for me. To avoid burnout I decided that I would take my AC break from January (after New Years Day) to the end of February. No big events happen during this time other than maybe Festivale and I can always TT back to it. I think a break is good to focus on other things but not too long otherwise you feel you need to catch up.
I can’t remember the last time I really picked up the game for a few consecutive hours or days. I only opened the game for the TBTWC and Camp and haven’t looked at it since. I’m sure it’s been many months and I don’t see myself picking it back up again any time soon. I used to love decorating my island but recently it bores me and I don’t find anything else to do…
According to my villagers, 2 months. I did open it here and there to grab seasonal items but I haven't played it extensively.

I'll play it a little more now because it's spring on my island and I like the greenery.
My first one was a little over 2 months, from mid-october to mid-December last year. My current one started in mid-March and it doesn't look like it will be ending any time soon.
I’ve taken multiple breaks but this one will probably end up being the longest; not sure when I first started this one. I did log in for seasonals and for the event prompts that required use of the game. so far it has been a couple months at least; back in may or june i did some small decorating of my island - one for a friend’s bday that i still need to celebrate with him and show him in spite it being so late now (had a lot of stuff come up :/).
sometimes ill go a few weeks without picking it up. its probably been almost 2 weeks recently since i have been moving and still need to charge the switch haha. probably would have played nh the past two nights if it was already charged, but my ds had battery so i just played some wildworld instead and that was good enough to fulfill my animal crossing needs 😋

i dont take intentional breaks from nh, i usually just end up busy with other games. lately ive been playing genshin impact again so that takes up a lot of time i would normally be playing nh