During thesis crunch time I went maybe 2 days without proper sleep, although I had several power naps in between. But not counting naps, then probably 24 hours.
The longest I've ever gone was 23 hours. I really need a lot of sleep ;; I'm used for sleeping like, 12 hours at a time...
Ironically, though, it was just last week where I stayed up 23 hours. My relatives were visiting from Florida and they were making fun of me for being tired and kept forcing me back awake whenever I'd drift off... ;;
about 40 hours in april. i also had, like, lowkey insomnia the week before so it was not fun. i woke up early that day, around 6-7, and only had a few hours of sleep. traveled to southern california for a concert, and didn't get a wink of sleep that night because of reasons. then i went to the concert sleep deprived as all hell, but i still had a lot of fun. we went back to the airbnb, i got ready for bed, and finally knocked out at midnight. i actually slept sooo well that night too.
I need my sleep man, The longest I went without sleep in addition to a normal awake time is like four hours. So from 8am-10 pm, I stay up until like 2 am or something. More than that and I'll pass out.
I want to say about 30 hours, maybe a little more or less. I used to stay up to 3 or 4am without issue to wake up at 6:30am. I had a lot of trouble falling asleep in those days. Nowadays, I wouldn't be able to function unless I got at least 7 hours of sleep. Anything less than that would guarantee me to be irritable or extremely drained. I take better care of myself now.
Fiveish days. I absolutely do not recommend ever doing that. I couldn't sit down for more than a minute without falling asleep and having my head drop, which then would immediately wake me up. It also became very difficult to tell what had happened on which day of the week, since it had all been one long day for me. I couldn't remember if my sister had come over on Tuesday or Wednesday or how many days it had been since my last shower. It was awful.