How Many Eggs Did You Find?

I found one, the easiest one. But then again I didn’t have time to participate in the Easter Egg hunt at all this weekend because I had a ton of other stuff going on that was more important at the time.
I found 13 eggs this year. Earlier today, before it ended, I kinda wanted to find 3 more so I could get both a Happy Ditto Egg and a Red Pikmin Egg instead of having to choose just one, but to be honest I'm just glad I managed to find 10 to be able to get one of the Nightmare/Dreamy Eggs (ended up choosing a Nightmare Egg because it was the only one in stock at the time and I didn't want to pay attention to restocks.) I was close to a few of the ones I missed but not close enough, and some were simply things I wasn't going to figure out, period.

Overall, as fun and nervewracking as ever. I look forward to next year's hunt.

All I wanted was the Bunny sakuras, so I'm happy. :blush:
crossposting from the easter egg hunt thread, but here's my data for all egg hunts I've participated in, if anyone's interested

2015: 17/24 (70.8333~%)
2016: 18/25 (72%)
2017: 15/25 (60%)
2018: 11/21 (52.381%)
2019: 16/21 (76.1905%)
I found 11, which I think is the most I've ever found. I'm happy though, because I was able to get 3 collectibles that I wanted.
It was a fun egg hunt! I found fourteen eggs in the limited time I had available and got two Pastel Disco Ball Easter Egg collectibles.
I found 11 eggs!! Last year I believe I only found a few so I?m really proud of myself. The funny thing is, with the eggs I found I almost instantly knew where to look to find them, but with all the other eggs I was absolutely clueless LOL. I was hoping to find more but I didn?t have time to search much. I?m happy I at least got my dreamy egg!!
I found ten eggs, not bad for a boy with one brain cell though.
I honestly don't think I could've found more than this seeing the answers now, maybe one or two as I was really close.
But overall I'm very satisfied as I only found 3 or 4 last year! So yeah my forum digging wasn't pointless afterall.
I also had a lot of fun, and seeing that little black egg everytime you finally solved a clue brought me so much happiness everytime whew.
10, I am really proud of myself because I didn't think I would find any and I did a whole lot better compared to last year where I only found 2 eggs. I was able to get 3 zipper sakuras and the pastel disco ball egg.
I found two!! I joined super late in the game tho (but i'm still really proud!!) one was a puzzle which i figured out myself (v proud) & the other was by accident!

I didn't actually know what i was looking for aha, i thought it would say "You found an egg!" instead of the lil egg pictures!!

Next year is absolutely my year!
I found 13, which was enough to buy me a Ditto egg and a dreamy egg so I'm happy. Around the end I felt like I'd like the pastel disco ball egg too though, but oh well.
I found all the eggs for the first time so I'm pretty proud of myself. I used to suck bigtime. Got myself dreamy and nightmare eggs (and a zipper sakura) and was able to sell the nightmare and use the funds to finally buy myself a popsicle!
Clues 1, 9, 15 and 21 took me a long time to find/solve. My favourite clues were 5 and 11 because I like niche references that I understand :p
11, could of been more but I kept not doing steps between finding the eggs.
Instant username change? Forgot to hover over the description.
Tasty Cake reference? Didn't check the configuration.
Found the right thread? Didn't check for mod posts.

I could go on and on hahaha. I'm pretty pleased though how many I got regardless of it being my first attempt.