Male player here. ACNL is the first online game I know that has an overpopulation by female residents. Completely fine with me, I like to hang out with the other gender.
Female, but people regularly assume I'm male on forums for whatever reason. So that's cool. xD;
When I think of my AC:NL friends, there's probably about a 50/50 split of boys and girls. Possibly even more males, tbh.
Female, here! And I'm not really surprised that there're male here. The first person who introducedme to AC is a boy, so I never put attention to the gender until this poll. lol
Wow, that ratio though! I had to basically BEG my boyfriend for days to play, I even bought him his own copy. He ended up loving it and we play together every day now! Come on boys, it's fun!
i am male. i always figured given the type of game animal crossing is, it would appeal to girls more than guys so seeing theres more girls than guys here doesnt really surprise me.