How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

  • Total voters
...Welp, I'm getting out of this train wreck of a post(s):rolleyes:

Please spare me the sarcasm. If you consider my post a train wreck it s because you deliberately chose to focus to one part and ignore the rest, trying to make me sound like a traditional LGBTQ-hater.
Instead, what I am attempting to do is try to avoid unnecessary drama.
This is a simple statistics poll, that for statistic purposes is asking you to state your biological gender, the gender your ID says you are, it doesn't care about the complexity of human sexuality, about the gender/genders you feel you are.
It could as well be asking if you like the sea or the mountains, cats or dogs, vanilla or chocolate, it's just a simplistic poll, not worth starting a fuss over
What in the world is even happening in this thread right now

Cosmic was not at all confrontational in their post and it's pretty telling to see such defensive and ignorant responses. And - why even ask "if you're not male or female, what are you?" if you're gonna be dismissive when someone links you to an actual answer to your question? :/ People who have never had to think about their own gender, never questioned the way other people assign them one at birth, never felt dysphoric or just not quite 100% "right" with the binary classifications of gender are going to be confused when first confronted with the idea that there are others out there who aren't cool with the way this poll is set up, I get that, but just... listen and learn. It's not as simple as "boy or girl", let alone "boy or girl or other", for a lot of people. Again, listen and learn.

And I totally understand trying to come up with solutions and keep everyone happy. I applaud the idea. Wanting to keep people happy is admirable. But - even though the intention wasn't to be rude by shutting down the discussion (I know where you were coming from bb! Not attacking you in any way), ultimately saying "let's move on and talk about AC" is ultimately just as dismissive as the other bit mentioned above.

The resulting conversation might get kinda bumpy at times, yeah - it's a touchy subject of course because these are people's actual identities we're talking about, it makes sense that if someone feels invalidated or insulted or left out, they're going to want to say something about it. But if we can at least try to remain open-minded and receptive toward one another, it should be just fine.

Hell, maybe someone who isn't cis can put together a new gender poll thread that's more inclusive maybe? idk, brain's fuzzy, just throwing out an idea. now I'mma get me some coffees.

Just, please, if you're confused about gender identity and all the related stuff, at least TRY to be respectful? Please. Look, I asked nicely two whole times, and I'll do it a third, just for good measure: Please.
Welp, it seems the fury of tumblr has been unleashed.
Because as soon as marginalized people speak up for themselves, Tumblr must be the reason, right? Because Tumblr somehow has become synonymous with "social justice warriors". You're so clever. And by clever I mean ignorant as ****. Take your white, straight, privileged male ass out of this thread and go catch a sea bass in Animal Crossing. For ****'s sake.
@ infinikitten
You are one of the few people who are being rational about this atm.
I've mentally gone through various genders and sexual orientations while trying to learn and accept myself, and I still don't think this tiny little poll is worth so much drama. Also even as a whateverthehellsexual, I don't like it when someone uses the term ''cisgenders'' as if those people are inferior. If you want to be respected for what you are, you got to respect others for what they are too, and not just assume they're ignorant fools per se.
Naamah is right guys. We shouldn't get so hotheaded over something as stupid as this. I was just trying to help. We all went in with good intent but all ended up mad. So why don't we leave it as this: everyone has their voice heard, and no one is to tell anyone else their opinion doesn't matter. Im sorry if I offended anyone
Please spare me the sarcasm. If you consider my post a train wreck it s because you deliberately chose to focus to one part and ignore the rest, trying to make me sound like a traditional LGBTQ-hater.
Instead, what I am attempting to do is try to avoid unnecessary drama.
This is a simple statistics poll, that for statistic purposes is asking you to state your biological gender, the gender your ID says you are, it doesn't care about the complexity of human sexuality, about the gender/genders you feel you are.
It could as well be asking if you like the sea or the mountains, cats or dogs, vanilla or chocolate, it's just a simplistic poll, not worth starting a fuss over

I wasn't being sarcastic? And I wasn't just focusing on one part, I was highlighting the worst part of it. It is only 'unnecessary drama' to you because it clearly doesn't affect you. have you thought about all the people it does effect? How many people don't fit into the gender binaries?

The fact you're bringing sexuality into this discredits you, this thread is not even remotely to do with sexuality.
And the gender you 'feel' you are? What you ID as is what you are. End of story.

Ahh yes bc the discrimination and violence that frequently occurs against non-cisgender people - who just want to be represented along with everyone else - is exactly like preferences between pets and ice cream. :mad: How dare you.

Also, maybe when cisgender people stop murdering and discriminating against trans/nb people, maybe we would stop occasionally saying a mean thing about you on the internet? :rolleyes: must be difficult

Welp, it seems the fury of tumblr has been unleashed. Naamah is right guys. We shouldn't get so hotheaded over something as stupid as this.

Aka, tumblr happens to be one of the few places where marginalized people have a voice, but I don't care about this issue as it doesn't affect me, so this is stupid. :rolleyes:

@ infinikitten, illyana - slay. thanks buns :blush:
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Quick tip to everyone talking about "birth gender": People are born as babies. Male and female are simply labels. And disclosing that label is a choice that only the person being asked should have to make. The gender someone identifies as is much more important.

Honestly if you have nothing nice to say to or about trans and/or nonbinary people, do not say anything to or about trans and/or nonbinary people.

And to get back on topic for this thread... I'm a guy for the most part. But I am also "other".

ETA: I want to thank infinikitten with my whole heart for their contributions to this discussion.
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Wow, this got out of hand quickly. I'm sure the op didn't mean for this to be taken as non inclusive. Not everyone has had experience with transgendered and otherwise nonbinary people, so it's common to come across questions like this as many people believe biological sex and gender are the same thing. However at the same time, it is not inappropriate to politely raise discomfort/concern.

Honestly, I don't see why people are making a fuss over the thread turning into a discussion on gender. It's not off topic and it's an interesting and complex subject. Bringing it up just gives others the opportunity to learn more on it.
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I wasn't being sarcastic? And I wasn't just focusing on one part, I was highlighting the worst part of it. It is only 'unnecessary drama' to you because it clearly doesn't affect you. have you thought about all the people it does effect? How many people don't fit into the gender binaries?

The fact you're bringing sexuality into this discredits you, this thread is not even remotely to do with sexuality.
And the gender you 'feel' you are? What you ID as is what you are. End of story.

Ahh yes bc the discrimination and violence that frequently occurs against non-cisgender people - who just want to be represented along with everyone else - is exactly like preferences between pets and ice cream. :mad: How dare you.

Also, maybe when cisgender people stop murdering and discriminating against trans/nb people, we would stop occasionally saying a mean thing about you on the internet? :rolleyes: must be difficult

@ infinikitten, illyana - slay. thanks buns :blush:

Both you and Illyana have flown off the handle here, deliberately accusing and insulting people you don't even know.
And you're asking me how I dare on top?
You have no idea who I am, what I've lived through and what affects me - however, all this is still unnecessary drama to me, not because it doesn't affect me, but because obviously I'm not the whining little emo you are, that much is certain.
And your argument about you being what you feel you are? That's only true up to a point, beyond that point it's a delusion, otherwise I'd be Popess Joan by now.
I won't even bother addressing the part where Tumblr allows ''marginalised'' people to have a voice, since the only place these people are a silent minority is in their heads.
Oxalis and InfiniKitten got it right , in a way more short and efficient way than your holy crusade against ''those terrible ignorant macho scumbags that eat our babies and who dare to be happy being the gender they were born as''.
Seriously I can get along just fine with cisgender people, because, believe it or not, once you stop being a keyboard warrior and actually go out to the real world, you realise both nature and humanity have way more important things to do than give a crap about your genderblending issues
Welp, it seems the fury of tumblr has been unleashed.

I love how you make posts like this then you all like "b-but i'm helping!".

Wow, this got out of hand quickly. I'm sure the op didn't mean for this to be taken as non inclusive. Not everyone has had experience with transgendered and otherwise nonbinary people, so it's common to come across questions like this as many people believe biological sex and gender are the same thing. However at the same time, it is not inappropriate to politely raise discomfort/concern.

Honestly, I don't see why people are making a fuss over the thread turning into a discussion on gender. It's not off topic and it's an interesting and complex subject. Bringing it up just gives others the opportunity to learn more on it.

This right here. I'm sick of people using "dis is an ac forum!!" as if it means of-topic discussions are forbidden despite this being a topic for off-topic discussions.
Something I'd like to add is that:

Yes, this definitely got a bit out of hand.

However, nobody ever said you had to vote on this poll. It was completely possible to simply scroll down and comment "I'm neither!" and leave it at that. And those who decided to be rude to those who did make such comments, should have minded their own dang business. Because as I stated before, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!

Being under the trans umbrella myself, it's obvious who I side with, but we really need to pick our battles.

- - - Post Merge - - -

And while off-topic discussions absolutely should happen in the off-topic boards as Ghost Soda said, I think the way we handle the discussions should be influenced by the fact that this is an Animal Crossing related website.
Our language choices and overall tone should be a bit more PG than they'd be on places like tumblr. On a website with a very large population of marginalized people, it makes a lot of sense to be angry at people that say insensitive things, and to call them out on it. But this isn't that kind of website iirc.
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Both you and Illyana have flown off the handle here, deliberately accusing and insulting people you don't even know.
And you're asking me how I dare on top?
You have no idea who I am, what I've lived through and what affects me - however, all this is still unnecessary drama to me, not because it doesn't affect me, but because obviously I'm not the whining little emo you are, that much is certain.
And your argument about you being what you feel you are? That's only true up to a point, beyond that point it's a delusion, otherwise I'd be Popess Joan by now.
I won't even bother addressing the part where Tumblr allows ''marginalised'' people to have a voice, since the only place these people are a silent minority is in their heads.
Oxalis and InfiniKitten got it right , in a way more short and efficient way than your holy crusade against ''those terrible ignorant macho scumbags that eat our babies and who dare to be happy being the gender they were born as''.
Seriously I can get along just fine with cisgender people, because, believe it or not, once you stop being a keyboard warrior and actually go out to the real world, you realise both nature and humanity have way more important things to do than give a crap about your genderblending issues

Exactly where have I insulted you?
And you too have no who I am or what's affecting me??? Why are you pointing out the obvious here. You're just derailing what I said to make it about you.

And calling me a 'whining little emo'? I'm lost for words.

Once again, it's only unnecessary drama bc it doesn't affect you. If it did, you would be singing a different tune I'm sure.
Are you really trying to say that trans/nonbinary people aren't marginalised and silenced right now? Like, are you actually trying to say this?

God forbid I get slightly angry at people erasing people's identites, of which they know nothing about. Holy crusade? ''those terrible ignorant macho scumbags that eat our babies and who dare to be happy being the gender they were born as''. ? Where are you conjuring this rubbish from?

So basically, what you're saying is that when you see someone being wholy ignorant and erasing people that face daily discrimination on the internet, you should just shut up and ignore it? That's what you're saying is it?
Wow. 'go out into the real world'. Unbelievable, now you're being ableist as well. I'm not one of them, but there are a number of people that cannot - for whatever reason - go outside/function well irl due to disabilities or illness. Why do you say things like this, to kill two birds with one stone?

So nature and humanity have more important things to do than care about other humans. Nice. But then suddenly when it's someone saying something heated back at the privileged, it becomes very very important right? That is what you call silencing.

Frankly, you've been insulting towards me. literally all me and the others are doing in this thread is sticking up for others, who were dismissed by some of the users here -which you are so vehemently against, for what reason exactly? Do you just hate people speaking out that much?
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We're "whining little emos", lol. That's fine if you think that. Most who dismiss people like us do.
However your point about the fact that people feeling like silent minorities is only in their heads is absolutely ridiculous and delusional. Perhaps it's you who needs to observe the real world. If the real world were a more accepting place, we wouldn't have to be on edge and defensive. We wouldn't still be fighting for basic rights. You sound like you have no earthly idea what you're actually talking about and I'm embarrassed for you.
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I'm not sure if it's appropriate to post this here, but for those who wanted a more inclusive poll I have made one. (Which can be found here.) It'll never be as popular as this one but it's a start I guess. ^_^
We're "whining little emos", lol. That's fine if you think that. Most who dismiss people like us do.
However your point about the fact that people feeling like silent minorities is only in their heads is absolutely ridiculous and delusional. Perhaps it's you who needs to observe the real world. If the real world were a more accepting place, we wouldn't have to be on edge and defensive. We wouldn't still be fighting for basic rights. You sound like you have no earthly idea what you're actually talking about and I'm embarrassed for you.

^^ Couldn't have said it better. :3 People that can't even acknowledge the suffering of others that goes on, are living in their own privileged bubble I'm afraid.
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oh for christ's sake.

'How dare a poll be created that doesn't cater to me!' :rolleyes:

Anyway the core argument isn't about a simple poll thread, it's about the non-inclusive comments that were made by some of the people here.

btw Thanks moddie! x
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Exactly where have I insulted you?
And you too have no who I am or what's affecting me??? Why are you pointing out the obvious here. You're just derailing what I said to make it about you.

Once again, it's only unnecessary drama bc it doesn't affect you. If it did, you would be singing a different tune I'm sure.
Are you really trying to say that trans/nonbinary people aren't marginalised and silenced right now? Like, are you actually trying to say this?

God forbid I get slightly angry at people erasing people's identites, of which they know nothing about. Holy crusade? ''those terrible ignorant macho scumbags that eat our babies and who dare to be happy being the gender they were born as''. ? Where are you conjuring this rubbish from?

So basically, what you're saying is that when you see someone being wholy ignorant and erasing people that face daily discrimination on the internet, you should just shut up and ignore it? That's what you're saying is it?
Wow. 'go out into the real world'. Unbelievable, now you're being ableist as well. I'm not one of them, but there are a number of people that cannot - for whatever reason, go outside/function irl due to disabilites or illness. Why do you say things like this, to kill two birds with one stone?

So nature and humanity have more important things to do than care about other humans. Nice. But then suddenly when it's someone saying something heated about the privileged, it's very very important right? That is what you call silencing.

Frankly, you've been insulting towards me, literally all me and the others are doing in this thread are sticking up for others, which you are so vehemently against, for what reason? Do you just hate people speaking out?

Hahahh this is really getting ridiculous.
The part where you tried to twist my arguments to make them insult people with mobility problems was pretty cheap, I'm sure even you could have come up with something better
Anyway lithiumlatte and Illyana, the way you use all that political correctness is making me vomit, and I could almost justify someone killing you, not because of your genderblending, but because I don't ****ing want people like you representing us online or offline or anywhere, since the hooligan attitude of idiots like you is making the rest of us look bad too. I'd much rather see logical people like Oxyalis and InfiniKitten addresing the subject to the general population, because they are actually willing to have a calm, informative discussion, rather than repeatedly scream ''oh were suffering! nobody understands our pain!'' like well..ehm emo kids
'How dare a poll be created that doesn't cater to me!' :rolleyes:

Anyway the core argument isn't about a simple poll thread, it's about the non-inclusive comments that were made by some of the people here.

btw Thanks moddie! x

After reading the argument that I have seen in this thread by you and others I am running far far away