How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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I myself am female! However I'm also pretty genderfluid and bigender, so not only do I fluctuate, but I identify with both genders! I usually prefer to hang out with guys, as most girls I've met aren't really into the things I like, and just overall lack personality. I'm not saying this is the case for all women, of course! Just the ones I've been around. Guys are usually more interesting. I'd say I have an even amount of male and female friends, though again, I prefer to be around dudes. The only exception for this is my lovely girlfriend! <3
Female here... The 2.5:1 ratio is really interesting, I'm glad so many men and boys can enjoy this game. :blush:
I don't think it matters, but I added my vote Female gamer.

I play all sorts of games, since I could first master how to hold a controller. >:)

I have played so many games and roms, its sort of isolated me from other females who prefer vague empty hobbies like make up jewerly and celebrity gossip

I'm currently stuck and addicted to acnl (help)

but I will not turn diwn a game for being too "manly" or whatever and too "girly" and stuff. Why should I? I think that's a stupid way of thinking for either gender. You're just cutting off art or entertainment simoly for being too "girly/manly whatever that even means"

My best experiences online have been with other females. I always get cheated by guy characters on tortimer island, despite them being a minor category. But that doesn't mean they're all like that. Just my own experience.

I once had a girl character sell me a hello kitty outfit, without error switching or trying to leave the island with my money and no trade.

Some guy tried selling me his graciegrace shades for 30,000 bells but tried leaving the island with my bells and glasses, so I error switch his sneaky liitle arse.

So yeah I've mostly had bad exleriences with guy characters but on tortimer island you meet all kinds of good and crazy.

I still like island hopping and meeting new ppl though male or female. I tend to have more in common with guys when talking though. xp :, (
Honestly, don?t care which gender I?m playing with. Think I?ve played with more females. Also, some dudes (the girls are chill. Not the guys tho) are AWKWARD when playing with other people, lol. Think it?s pretty funny, that some of them are intimidated by me just cause I?m a couple of years older. Should be the other way around, after all, AC is targeted at younger audiences lol
i'm a female and i don't care about the gender of the people i play with. i've only played with girls so far tho because this forum is my first online animal crossing interaction and all the people i know in real life that play animal crossing are female oops
Female, but i do have some boys that are friends! Honestly, id rather pokemon talk than makeup talk. And only me and one of my boy bffs play acnl and plan to get acnh!!!
I'm a female, and a very feminine one at that. I like traditionally girly things but guys and masculine things are pretty great- I mean I AM dating and best friends with a guy so I can't complain too much lol.
Yeaa, I'm also not surprised there's a lot more girls on the forums ! I'm surprised by HOW much though, over 70%?!

I've always had more female friends though, and definitely have had the best AC experiences with female players. But, I've also never had a bad experience with guys, and have spent HOURS on CT talking out life struggles with some. As for being super generous and nice, definitely the girl players I've met !

All and all, people like all types of games and shouldn't limit themselves by majorities. I've always liked life simulators, puzzle, and survival games the most. My gf only really likes shooters and beat'em ups. But none of that should matter or be scrutinized ! :)

I wonder how the poll would look if more options were given, though...
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Right now it seems is a lot of males on this form, but now that I see the poll I’m kind of surprised that there are more girls than boys ! But I guess it does make sense, Animal Corssing Is a much more calm, cute game ! I only have 1 IRL guy friend that plays animal Crossing, but they haven’t played that game in ages anymore
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With how old this poll is I wonder what an updated one would look like!