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How many people have you streetpassed?

I streetpassed a couple people today and only one had new leaf and he didn't even have a house...

I just started using Streetpass when I got AC:NL

I have 68 Streetpass tags (24 are from 1 daughter, and 16 from the other)
and a population of 22 (7 from Nintendo during E3)

I take my 3DSXL to work with me everyday and usually get 1-3 passes there. (I work in Retail selling electronics.)

and so far only 3 were playing AC:NL (not counting my daughters.)

I streetpassed a couple people today and only one had new leaf and he didn't even have a house...

Cant be a loser if they are playing AC:NL even if they did just buy the game.
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Hmm... I have 568 StreetPass tags. My twin brother has a 3DS also and we have the most tags. We found out the counter maxes out at 99. Haha.

As far as tags with ACNL, I have about 12 houses tagged.
According to my plaza, 60 separate people. A fair few of them I've passed multiple times, but I don't know how you keep track of that, or where the separate tags counter is. ~ I'm guessing mine is confused with the 1,370 mii's in my plaza from playing Mario Kart online so much.
And most had Animal Crossing, so I'm a fair way towards a bronze badge there. - I'll need to keep passing myself for the rest I think.
One from my sister.
Three from Nintendo.

The area I live in doesn't seem to be interested in NL.
I haven't gotten any StreetPasses yet, BUT every other summer or so I end up having to travel internationally to visit relatives. One of the airports I end up passing through is Naurita, Japan. I am going to get SO many streetpasses on my airplane travels. I'm not going anywhere this summer, but next summer I don't know HOW many people I'm going to run into on my 32-hour journey to the other side of the globe. :D
Exactly one and we're sharing the same birthday. :D But apparently he started AC only a couple days ago because he has one small room with ~4 items >_>
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I've got 5 so far. Including 2 yesterday. I do think that AC and the new streetpass games have led in my area to more 3DS's going out and about. I've had about 8 hits in the last two months, before that I'd had 2 hits in 4 months.
Passed 100 i believe. I got the streetpass badge for it so idk.
(Although, most of the passes are from brother,sister, and boyfriend)
I streetpassed with 3 people in north America since release,and those 3 were MANDATORY.
and my store had all copies on pre-order and I had to wait a day to pick my copy up...were are all those people>.<
Street passed over a 100+ people because I've been going to conventions this summer a lot and went to the animal crossing meet ups.
aside from the nintendos, 3 - my mom and my brother and some other girl? im not sure who she is though, im kind of assuming shes also from nintendo since i didnt go out yesterday so i literally have no idea where she even came from :U