How many social media accounts do you have?

if forums + miiverse count, as well as alt accounts, then 18 as far as i can remember. if none of them count, then only four.

i only use three of those 18 accounts regularly though.

if you're wondering what they are though:

- six accounts for miiverse, though i only use two of them. and even then one of those doesn't really count because i don't even plan on using miiverse on it.
- two instagram accounts, but both have been inactive for nearly a year.
- a tumblr account, which i also haven't used in forever. especially after i discovered, which made the 'blog' for my ocs kinda pointless.
- a twitter account, which tbh i only made for miitomo. but i uninstalled miitomo after i got bored of it, so i don't use my twitter account.
- one for imgur, which i only really use whenever i need to upload something onto there for whatever reason.
- a facebook account, which i don't really use.
- one for tbt, of course
- one for, which i probably use the most out of all my accounts for everything
- the rest are accounts for random forums that i abandoned a long time ago.
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i only use tbt youtube and twitter sometimes
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Well I have a google account obviously because I have gmail but I never really use youtube login or the other things on it. And then I am on a couple of forums and Steam but I don't use like facebook, twitter or such.
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Well I have a google account obviously because I have gmail but I never really use youtube login or the other things on it. And then I am on a couple of forums and Steam but I don't use like facebook, twitter or such.

google+ as a social media is a joke tbh . i use my gmail account for youtibe and mail, but i only have google+ bc you were forced to get it a few years back hhh
google+ as a social media is a joke tbh . i use my gmail account for youtibe and mail, but i only have google+ bc you were forced to get it a few years back hhh

yeah. and you did? idek i only use it as e-mail nowadays or if i really want to watch some "bad content"(not pron but youtube p much sets everything as bad content lol) then i can log in to youtube but their other ****s i dont bother.
yeah. and you did? idek i only use it as e-mail nowadays or if i really want to watch some "bad content"(not pron but youtube p much sets everything as bad content lol) then i can log in to youtube but their other ****s i dont bother.

yeah pretty sure you were kind of forced to set up a google+ account in 2013 or something like that to use youtube ??? i don't really remember, but a lot of ppl were upset abt it
I use my Facebook and Pinterest accounts as well as my gmail which adds YouTube to the list. Facebook is used heavily for social/family/professional stuff, and I use Pinterest both personally and professionally. I have goodreads too though rarely update that anymore. I'm on discord now.

For forums there's TBT, a couple Lego ones, and maybe 6 or so Early Childhood ones that I actually contribute to occasionally though much of that activity has moved to Facebook which is a lot easier to manage. Oh, and I have 2 Cracked accounts but the 2nd was only made to comment on an article when I couldn't access my login details and didn't want to wait until I could get them before posting. I had a Gaia online account I forgot the login details of years ago.

I have twitter but have only used it to share a couple events I ran or knew the organisers of. I apparently joined imgur in 2014 but have only used it for TBT 2016 fair stuff. I don't think I ever got Instagram and definitely don't have snapchat (what even is that??) , tumblr, or reddit.

Hmm, I also have several Nintedo accounts thanks to that ****ing stupid rule of 1 3DS per NNID.
yeah pretty sure you were kind of forced to set up a google+ account in 2013 or something like that to use youtube ??? i don't really remember, but a lot of ppl were upset abt it

I know I'm locked out of commenting on videos (wow, such a loss), but everything I use my youtube account for (so basically just following/managing subscriptions) still works fine

also, for forums, way too many to remember (though the number I post on is barely any anymore)

non-forums, just 2 off the top of my head. though I only use 1
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Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, snapchat, kik, Facebook, and a YouTube. 9, 11 if you count oovoo and skype and discord.

EDIT: oh yee imgur and miiverse so 13.
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Well for the last year or so, i had eight twitter acconuts, three instagram acconuts, two youtube acconuts, two acconuts, two tumblr acconuts, two facebook acconuts, one reddit acconut, one pincrest acconuts, one imgur acconut (with over 9k of likes), one vine acconut, and multiple forums acconuts from various websites ranging from video games to wordpress themes support. There is probably more then this but this is all that i can remember at the moment plus some acconuts might be inactive or have been deleted, most likely inactive.
Social media accounts I actually use? I have about 3 (imgur, Tumblr, YouTube). 4 if you count TBT. I also have a Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook I never use.
Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, Google+, Tumblr, Skype, you name it. I'm everywhere

I mostly just use Facebook though
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facebook, instagram, tumblr & TBT, so four. although if snapchat counts too, five :s