How many villager pictures do you have?

I only have four from Buzz, Daisy, Punchy, and Flip. I wonder when my other villagers will give me theirs, too. :)
I have 0 because I can’t be bothered to talk to my villagers and hear the same dialogue over and over again 😅
I have 12! Although I regret not getting the photos of the first 2 who left my island (Rocket and Snooty).. might have to invite them back just to earn their photos :( Right now I'm trying to earn my newest resident's photo (Fauna)
Zero... It's taking me much longer to obtain villager pictures in NH than it took me in NL. I know the friendship values are different between the games, but come ooon. XD

The posters, however 😏
I've got six. I only want to keep the pictures of villagers I'm holding onto permanently, so so far I've got six permanent villagers - Ursala, Billy, Clay, Sprinkle, Rodney and Melba.
I either have 9 or 12, can't remember off the top of my head. for the most part I am trying to get villager pictures before any islanders leave me but I've been lazy recently and just not gifting anybody oops. I do want to get back into trying to obtain them - I'd quite like to get Lolly off my island but just need her picture first!
I have...


But, I honestly haven't been trying. Lol. I think I'm about to start giving my villagers fruit nonstop, though; If for no reason other than the fact that they will give me items each time as well. I wasn't really focused on building relationships up to this point, but, I do want to fill my catalog more with the standard items (as well as acquiring the pictures at some point).
every villager i've ever had, minus kyle (didn't have time, he was my forced campsite move-in) and skye (who was my first 5 so idg why she is playing hard to get!!). oh yeah, and raymond. he was one of the last to move in and i figured it would happen naturally. so i think i have nine or something.
I think I've earned 8? Which isn't good, but isn't bad either I guess. On top of that, I've bought 3, making a total of 11. :)
I’ve only got two so far 😂 Pinky was the first villager to give me one and I was so excited! She’s moved to a new island now so I’m really happy I have her picture. I also have one from Egbert and I was thrilled to get his because he’s my favourite villager!

I’m hoping to get pictures from all my current villagers 🥰 I’ve let Colton, Beau, and Raymond move away without giving me pictures and I’m sort of bummed especially because they don’t send goodbye letters so now it’s like they were never here 😔
I've received 25. I used to cycle in new villagers once I've gotten a photo more aggressively than I do now. I am holding onto a bunch of villagers, too, for my S/O, friends, and folks on the forum, so I now have basically nobody I can cycle out. 🤣 No complaints, though, because I haven't been in the mood for island hopping recently.
57 on my primary island, at least 11 on my secondary. All photos were earned. That's one of my goals for this game. It also gives all villagers a chance to charm me.
WOW!!! hahah, thats impressive!! i think i only have like 15 or 20 roughly speaking
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143 but some are duplicates
GEEEZZ extremely impressed !!
I have 17 on my main island (2 from Tank) and 4 on my second island. They were all given in person from my villagers because I like to take a screenshot each time I get their photo.

I got Bianca’s photo this morning! My photo wall at Harvey's with the photos in order of when I received them
I have 6/10 villager pics without doing any gifting methods! I got these pics randomly from my villagers, which made it a nice surprise! If I can't get the remaining 4 pics within the next few months or so then I'll probably resort to the wrapped fruit method.
with opal's, i now have six villager portraits 🖤 so far the only villager staying despite giving me his photo is going to be lobo, so i intend to get as many photos as i possibly can with cycling out other villagers until i get my dreamies.
Let's see. I have Molly's, Filbert's, Cherry's, Apple's, and Tank's from my old island. And, Canberra's, Samson's, Shep's, and Norma's from my new island. So, 9! I'm waiting on Cookie, Pancetti, and O'Hare to give theirs up.
I have 11. I finally just got the last of my original islanders'. I get everyone's before letting them move (except Lucha, cuz ew).

Very weird though, I've had 3 lazies on my island for months and it's been annoying cuz none of them would give me their pictures. I've been wanting to move our Wade but he would not give it up. Yesterday, he had the thought bubble to move out, and I begrudgingly said no. Then I have him a present and what do you know: his picture. And even weirder, 5 minutes later I got Tucker's pic. And then later that night I got Erik's. So I got all 3 in ONE day! What are the odds??