How many villager pictures do you have?

27, not counting dupes or Jingle. I guess collecting all of them is going to take a while...
I have one 🥺 I will go hang my head in shame 😂. Definitely need to annoy my villagers more as I need more photos 😍
I was getting them all the time when I first started playing back in March, now they don't seem to give them as often, infact I haven't had any since they changed stuff in an update and I cba to learn the new method.
I only currently have 2, Goldie and Marshall's photos 🥺 When I first got the game I spent a lot of time ignoring villagers in the hope they'd move out sooner so I could find all my dreamies and then I had quite a big break from the game as other things got in the way. Now I'm back to playing and have all the villagers I want I have more time to talk to them all and keep giving them presents, so hopefully I can get more.
Ooh I need to actually count, I think maybe about 25? Not too sure! I've got them all on the wall in the upstairs room, which is my character's chill out zone, complete with night skyline wallpaper 🏙 <:
I still have five after getting three in one day back in June. I haven't been doing those tricks to get the photos faster so there's that.
Still none haha. I'm finally at high enough friendship with a few of them with one of my characters so it's just a matter of time. I'm not in any rush though.
I think I have about 25 unique pictures, plus some dupes for trading. I do gifts for my villagers pretty much any time I play in case they give me new clothes I don't have, and this has resulted in many dupe portraits.
I don’t have any yet but started working on it from yesterday, giving them wrapped presents 🎁.
I want collect their photos my own , right now I’m giving them non native fruits in wrapping paper. I want to see if that works . Yesterday I gave them iron wall lamp but it takes lots of iron nuggets clay isn’t bad though. Fruits and lamps isn’t changed their interior or messed up their home furniture. It takes time to collect their photos because I’m not a time traveler. Have to have patience with this process
I have not been able to get any pictures:( it’s hard lol when the dialogue is so repetitive and they rarely ask for favors or anything. Also I have a bad habit of moving out villagers and getting new ones when I’m bored lol. I’m hoping to get the pictures of the villagers I now have, I’m only going to switch out Erik for wade and then I should be good for a while with my villagers lol
I have: Poncho's, Cousteau's, Zucker's, Phoebe's, Bea's, Wolfgang's, and then Jack's and Jingle's. I may have another 3 tops, so ~11?
Wow some of you guys have so many photos .. I've only just got my first one (a picture of Judy) .. and I interact with my island pals all the time but obviously not enough lol
I got my first one near the end of December from Fang as a return gift for his Birthday Present.
um i might have to check, but i think i have anicotti's? i'll have to give that away if i do since i no longer have her nor want it
I have Scoot, Ursala, Erik, Tabby, Freya, Hamphrey, Dizzy, Ken, Cyd, Jambette, and Bianca's photos, so 11 total. Bianca was an older villager that left and the remaining have been on my island since the beginning of time and I got most of them pretty early on. The only picture I didn't receive was Quillson's, who was my first campsite smug. I didn't like him but I'm pretty sure we had a high friendship because he was on my island for so long and I always gifted him funny outfits. I'm sad he never gave it to me before he left :(
Look what I got from my mailbox today, my first ever time getting this my cuties photos by following fruits stack method, it’s really work for me, I think first 3 days I was wrapping 5 non native fruits then I thought I would try fruits stacking method only 3days before ( today is the 3rd day actually) and I was so surprised 😲 poppy and fauna gave me their photos. Now I’m really hoping to get from marshal, coco, deana , beau , alli and Tammy.
Here is a screenshot I took it in the morning
Look what I got from my mailbox today, my first ever time getting this my cuties photos by following fruits stack method, it’s really work for me, I think first 3 days I was wrapping 5 non native fruits then I thought I would try fruits stacking method only 3days before ( today is the 3rd day actually) and I was so surprised 😲 poppy and fauna gave me their photos. Now I’m really hoping to get from marshal, coco, deana , beau , alli and Tammy.
Here is a screenshot I took it in the morning
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I didn't know you could get them by mail. That's cool.