How many villager pictures have you gotten?

I have photos from Peaches, Huck, Wade, Bianca, Freya, Judy, Marshal, Sprocket, Tybalt, Molly, Punchy, Rudy, Phoebe, Blanche, Ankha, Audie, Katt, Tasha, Static, and Cherry off the top of my head. I'm trying to get Fauna's before I move her out but she's being stubborn. I try to get photos of all my villagers, but some of my earlier villagers I let leave because I didn't know how the photo mechanic worked fully. I just give the ones I need photos from 2 wrapped apples (non-native sister fruit) per day until I get them.
I’ve only gotten two! I got my second one today, actually. I started gifting them fossils because no one was willing to give me their pics when I was giving them thoughtful presents 🤣
I play all the time and had gotten one of my first villager's a while ago... just got two more!! Just now! So three altogether!
I've got 8 out of my 10 villagers. I have no idea how many hours I've put into it (other than too many) but I started late January. It's now become a personal mission to get those last two pictures...if I could I'd probably chase Marshal around yelling LOVE ME ALREADY, DANGIT!
I have all my villager’s photos (plus quite a few that have since moved out).... except Erik since he literally moved in last week haha! But I’ve had the same nine other villagers since August, so it was easy to get their photos over time.
I only have two, Static and Reneigh. They're my two favorites.

I haven't actually tried to get photos. I think I will now though, since I have 9/10 permanents.
I've gotten photos from 18 of the villagers I either have or had, and I'm currently working on getting the photo of my 19th villager. It hasn't been too hard for me since I always gift the villager I'm missing a photo of two non-native fruit that are wrapped daily until they finally give me their photo, which usually takes around a month to happen. I've even gotten some duplicates from my villagers, which I just leave in my storage since I don't really know what to do with them.
I've gotten a little over 150 villager photos in total with nearly 2k hours of gameplay since day 1 of ACNH. Obviously I time travel to do this since it would be basically impossible to get that many without lol. Ever since Wild World, photos have been my favorite in game items and I generally grind for them hard. I fell in love with the island hunting mechanic in ACNH to find villagers and went in with the mind set of keeping a few plots open to rotate villagers for their photos, while keeping a few dreamies.
I took a long break and honestly never put effort into trying to get them, so I only have Aurora, Judy, and Bones.
One, and it was from Cashmere, my favorite ugly.

I have been procrastinating on getting more. Better start gifting them 5 stacks of foreign fruit from sister fruit island everyday until I finally get one.
Only 3. Zucker, Marina, and Twiggy who I've had since the first week. I feel like I talk to my villagers often enough, but I rarely give gifts.

I don't really care about the picture frames too much, though.
I’ve gotten 0 because I haven’t wanted to give my villagers gifts that they would display in their houses. But now I’m seeing comments saying you can gift them fruit and they won’t display it so I guess I need to start doing that!
I have Cherry, June, Marina, Bob, Fuschia, Cleo, Dom, and Puddles. Currently working on Judy and Tangy!

I have 13 so far, but only started putting in the effort back in January. I give them wrapped pumpkins every day. They are: Bones, Butch, Wade, Flora, Nibbles, Pashmina, Patty, Colton, Yuka, Erik, Gayle, Drago, and Winnie. 😊 Currently working on Annalise, Tipper, and Bonbon.
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I have Louie's, Agnes' and Rhonda's photos! I'm super happy about it, because I love them all so much.

I'm not actively trying to get photos, I'm just interacting with my villagers as normal, so it's a lovely surprise to see their friendship raised high enough for them to gift a photo! 😊
I have zero because I don’t want to grind for photos. Even if the mechanics won’t allow for it, I would much prefer naturally getting the photos. So I am just waiting rather than gifting fruit packages!
It's already been year. I have yet to receive one. :ROFLMAO:

(It's my fault anyway for not giving much effort.)
I haven't counted but I have pictures from every resident I've had. I won't let them leave until I get their picture haha.