How often do you get headaches?

How often do you get headaches?

  • Daily

    Votes: 10 12.8%
  • Every other day

    Votes: 17 21.8%
  • Once a week

    Votes: 20 25.6%
  • Once a month

    Votes: 15 19.2%
  • Only a few times a year

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Never

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters


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This may be a weird question but I’m genuinely curious to see everyone’s answers. Everyone I’ve talked to about this topic irl has very different experiences, some get them often, a few people I’ve met have never had one.

I’ve dealt with pretty intense headaches/migraines that started when I was 16. They used to be so bad they would cause me to throw up. Nowadays when I have a migraine, I see aura which are like these flashing lights that pop up and cause me to lose most of my vision, and they don’t go away until I can close my eyes in a dark space. I also deal with regular headaches on an every-other day basis. It’s very frustrating and the doctors I’ve been to have yet to figure out why this is so common for me.

What about you guys?
From the age of about 12 onwards i have suffered from migraines. They used to be clockwork and i'd get one once a month every month, but since the age of about 18 they have been much less frequent. I was prescribed tablets but they were for the pain and not to prevent them from happening. I have to just try and sleep the pain away in a dark room but it sometimes keeps me awake if its particularly bad. I remember once i was in a meeting with my tutor in high school and i had to just excuse myself and leave half way though our conversation because i couldnt see her past the aura i'd get in my eyes, it was mortifying... :lemon:

I wear glasses when reading and on screens now and have found out my right eye is actually pretty bad -- which my optician said was probably causing the headaches. I hardly get them anymore, so maybe try this if you haven't already. Good luck!
I never used to get headaches at all, then I started getting stress headaches occasionally due to work. Now, for probably the past year or so, I've been getting stress headaches at least once a week if not more. They're not severe and I don't need to take any medication to get rid of them. I just need to get myself away from the source of stress, which isn't always easy, and calm down.

My mom has dealt with horrible migraines all of her adult life, though, so I feel for you. She gets a severe migraine about once a week and the pain lasts for anywhere from 3-5 days. So she's suffering more often than not. She's been taking pain relievers for so long that they don't work anymore and the only thing she can do is take medication to try to sleep off the migraine. It's a really terrible cycle that is not healthy.
I used to get headaches like once a month, but since I got glasses it's like twice or three times a year.
I started getting migraines every other day since I turned 19 and I still haven't found the all the reasons why besides extreme tension in my shoulders and neck. It's been quite a few years since then. I get pain on the entire one side of my head, down my neck, and to my shoulders. I throw up as well frequently, usually when it's happening on the left side of my head but I have thrown up when it's been on my right side. It's extremely debilitating, exhausting, and very painful...

Sometimes when I do have a migraine, it gets worse when I lay down so I have to stay sitting up. I noticed I cannot lay on my back either no matter what or else I will develop a migraine. I usually sleep away the pain laying on my side in a dark, quiet room but the pain is so intense that it always lasts for multiple days, gradually getting better on the second day.

I have gone to the doctor and they did blood tests, heart tests, and I had an MRI scan done and they couldn't find anything.
As long as I wear my glasses and don't stare at my phone too long I would say once every two weeks, but sometimes one will last two days. They aren't particuarily bad though, just annoying. I have to avoid screens and noise when I get them.
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When I was younger I literally never got headaches. Like I literally didn't know what they felt like until I was in my late teens which is crazy to think about now because I've been getting migraines for the past couple of years. Sometimes they're random but usually they're triggered by stress/anxiety or the weather (like rain, storms, extreme changes in temperature). I'm lucky because I don't experience auras, I just get really bad pain and nausea and I need to be somewhere quiet and dark because light makes them worse.

I used to only get them occasionally but this past year they've gotten way more common. I actually spoke with my doctor about them because I felt like I was going crazy and she prescribed me a medication that works wonders. I feel for all you fellow migraine sufferers though, they suck! Outside of migraines, I get regular tension headaches a few times a week but those aren't that bad, I can live with them.
I voted every other day. I'm not completely sure what causes them to come on, but like 3-4 times a week I'll get a mild headache that bothers me enough that I can't really do much unless I take something for it. I ended up having to buy a 200-count bottle of Excedrin to deal with it. It seems to be worse if I'm in a place with bright lights for too long (this happens a lot when I'm in school), if I'm hungry, or if I'm really tired. As a matter of fact, right now I can feel a headache coming on because I woke up today feeling the opposite of refreshed. :(

Luckily I don't get migraines very often, about once every few months.
very rarely, thankfully. maybe just a few times a year if i'm extremely exhausted or sick.
In terms of migraines, rarely. But when I do get them they are terrible and I can't do anything for the rest of the day. I get really bad ones a few times a year and it ends up ruining my day.
From the age of about 12 onwards i have suffered from migraines. They used to be clockwork and i'd get one once a month every month, but since the age of about 18 they have been much less frequent. I was prescribed tablets but they were for the pain and not to prevent them from happening. I have to just try and sleep the pain away in a dark room but it sometimes keeps me awake if its particularly bad. I remember once i was in a meeting with my tutor in high school and i had to just excuse myself and leave half way though our conversation because i couldnt see her past the aura i'd get in my eyes, it was mortifying... :lemon:

I wear glasses when reading and on screens now and have found out my right eye is actually pretty bad -- which my optician said was probably causing the headaches. I hardly get them anymore, so maybe try this if you haven't already. Good luck!

I was just talking about this with my boyfriend recently!! My vision hasn’t been as good as it used to be, so I’m guessing I might need glasses. Due to all the craziness right now I haven’t been able to make appointments anywhere, but once we’re allowed to go outside again I’ll definitely get my eyes checked.
I’m glad to hear you found what helps with your migraines! The aura part is definitely mortifying, it’s hard to express to people that I suddenly can’t see because most don’t know what it’s like. So frustrating when it happens in the middle of work or when I’m out.
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Oddly enough, I’ve never had a headache before.

I get other pains sometimes though.
About every two months or so I get a headache that lasts about a week and is unbearable, then it suddenly goes away and returns in 10 weeks. Is this concerning to anyone I would like to know. LMAO
almost every day, with migraines being just about every week or 2 weeks. i've been going to the doctor just about monthly for the last year and a half trying to figure out what's going on & what combination of medications help, but so far nothing much. i have to schedule an appointment with a neurologist soon to rule out brain tumors, which i'm not too excited about haha.
I experienced a migrainr once and it was the worst feeling ever. I didn't know what was happening to me. Pain killers weren't working and I was really dizzy most of the time. I almost had a panic attack once when doing a small errand. I do suffer from tension headaches once in a while. This might be hard to believe but I suffered from tension headaches for 3 months. I slept with a headache and woke up with one everyday. My mom taking me out for walks helped me take my mind off it.
I get migraines every once in a while, but thankfully not that much. My mom gets them daily though and almost nothing can get rid of them :/
Not too often do I get headaches but lately I've been getting a few migraines. Could be fatigue...
I've only had two headaches in my whole life, the second I got yesterday due to catching the flu.
At least once a week because I often don’t get enough sleep ^^’ and Im always dehydrated.
I didn’t get migraines until I moved to the city I live in right now. We get chinook winds which causes a change in temperature and I think that’s what gives me migraines