How honest are you, or how often do you lie?

How often do you lie?

  • I'm never lie

    Votes: 6 11.8%
  • I lie sometimes

    Votes: 45 88.2%
  • I'm a compulsive liar

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I do it sometimes. I try to avoid doing it. It’s really hard to though.

Edit: I think I’ve changed my answer slightly five times, so I’m just going to say that I do it sometimes when it’s something unimportant, but try to never do it outside of those situations.
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I’m sometimes too honest and will call people out on their BS when I catch someone in a lie. Im tryna set a good example for my kids to always be truthful even if the truth is something they’ve done wrong etc. Lying gets you nowhere imo
I do tell white lies on occasion, but other than that, I've been told I'm "too honest" lol (ie. when someone asks me a question, I give more information than I should)
99.9 percent I am honest. The last whatever percent.. is when I have to lie on occasion. Depending on the situation.
Usually though it's when people ask me about this or that.. and then I have to tell them to ask the person directly involved.
I lie sometimes. As somebody who is still partially closeted I try not to outright lie anymore as opposed to withholding the truth. But I've lied to my dad and my siblings about my orientation in the past because it was something I didn't feel safe sharing yet.

Sometimes a white lie is easier, too. My family history is kind of messy and sometimes it's easier to pretend that it wasn't. People aren't always signing up for a sob story when they ask about things and I understand that.

I don't lie to my girlfriend or my really close friends that already know all of the above, though.
I tell white lies when I know that telling the truth will lead to conflict. This is mostly done when my family are fighting amongst themselves and then they come to me for any information about the other person. Thankfully I haven't had to do this in a public setting yet. Otherwise, I'm honest about my feelings.
I’m painfully honest, so much so that it gets me into trouble 😅 but I do still lie, mainly to conceal things about myself when I’m afraid of judgement.
I think telling little white lies on occasion is a normal human thing, but I admire people who really strive to tell the truth no matter what. I try to be always honest, but sometimes I'll run on automatic and give a wrong answer, or withhold the truth. (When someone asks if I'm okay, it's easier to say "yes" as opposed to saying my true feelings, especially if they're negative.) I'm trying to work on it, though.
I’ll only lie on a rare occasion, either to procure a surprise or prevent someone’s feeling from getting hurt. Outside of those two instances I see no other reason to do so.
I'm almost always honest, because I don't have it in me to lie. When I do I'm a terrible liar. I also just can't keep them because of the guilt. I also know lies always come back to haunt you, which is why I don't see why anyone would lie.
rarely as of late. never had a problem with it, so i wouldn't consider myself a compulsive liar, but i don't like doing it in general unless it's absolutely necessary.
Sometimes I get worried about there being a “right answer” (blame being ND) and don’t say what I really think/feel for fear of being labeled as… an outsider, I guess?
I admit that I tend to give white lies just to escape and/or avoid situations I am not comfortable with. Be it an actual face-to-face conversation or online.
Rarely. I'm human and will end up lying at some point if it keeps the other person from being hurt or to keep the peace. Could be good, could be bad, but is it moral? Like what are the intentions? Or do intentions not matter at all?
Another thing to consider, if it was 20 years ago, is it really worth whipping up? And as someone who is working very hard to focus on putting peace and communion between people in my environment (and struggle)... It gets gray for me. There are certainly times where keeping the peace as the priority is not a moral choice.

Actually this post question reminds me of a personal moral dilemma a person wrote about in their autobiography that I read.
This writer had to decide to lie or tell the truth about where someone was hiding. They were an innocent person, but at the time the law of their land was targeting a particular group of people.
The writer felt so torn, because they were very against lying as it is a sin, and they believed in following the law and those in power, and to not do so was a sin, but at the same time, telling the truth would cause an innocent person great suffering and more than likely execution. Though this was written from a perspective of religion, it still illustrates some of the things that go through many people's minds when faced with strong beliefs and feelings about what is right and wrong in their perspective and their conscious. Whatever a person chooses, they have to live with it, and other people will have to live with it too.
The writer had a battle in their mind about those things, and whether this kind of situation was a trust issue with their deity. Lots of things were racing through their mind in a critical moment.
To give piece of mind to the readers of this post, the person very quickly found a way to "tell the truth" but didn't tell where the sought after person was hiding.
Now some would still argue that they lied, as lying is deception and not necessarily telling a falsehood. They answered in a way that was planned to be misleading to the person they were talking to. I don't think they are wrong in that statement, and I would categorize it the same honestly.
Either way, I'm grateful that the person didn't tell. And I do think about various moral situations like this sometimes and have for many years, in hopes to learn and be better through time. Sometimes you do run into situations that can be very impactful to others around you. Impactful isn't always a positive thing, and great care needs to be taken, even when you don't have days to think about it, but only moments.
I am usually honest. Sometimes brutally so. I do lie when there are situations that calls for it, especially when its too personal and I don't want to share too much with a person. However, I always believe that honesty is its own reward. You'll have a less complicated life if you are honest.
I sometimes lie to my university and my workplace (usually regarding days I cant be there) since telling the truth just makes situations worse sometimes. Other times would be to save embarrassment but I'm starting to catch myself on it now, being honest just feels better

Now the real question is: Is my answer a lie? Do I actually love lying? All this and more in the next episode!
I expect full honesty from others, so I try to live up to the expectation myself. It's difficult to be 100% honest. A lot of the time I have thoughts and feelings I don't want to share with others because it'd serve no purpose but to make them sad. I have depression and anxiety, and I think if I shared my angst and apathy on a daily basis, no one would want to be around me.

As a result, I don't really meet my own standards. I try to work around this by saying as much of the truth as possible, and I try hard to word things honestly in a kind way.
I prefer to be honest and try to communicate clearly about most things, especially with people I like/am close to, but I will lie to avoid upsetting others/ruining a surprise/if it's necessary to protect myself or someone else/etc. If a relative gets me a present that I don't really like, then I'm going to pretend to be excited about it, because the alternative is just pointlessly hurting their feelings and souring the mood for everyone. Though I might try to stick more to lies of omission and avoid directly saying I love it, in favor trying to find something nice and truthful that I could say about it (like "oh I love this shade of green!").
The only thing I lie about is homework and how long I spend online. I'm honest when it comes to conversation and people in my life, though I will bend the truth to not be rude. People who brag about being "brutally honest" are basically just saying that they're rude people who don't care about others. You can tell the truth without being brutal. And if you can't, you probably shouldn't say anything.
I'm a terrible liar. Even if I wanted to lie most people would see right through me. When I lied, I felt guilty and told people the truth. If I dislike someone, I pretend to have no issues with them to avoid conflict.