How honest are you, or how often do you lie?

How often do you lie?

  • I'm never lie

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • I lie sometimes

    Votes: 29 90.6%
  • I'm a compulsive liar

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Not very often. I try to avoid doing it. It’s really hard to though.
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I’m sometimes too honest and will call people out on their BS when I catch someone in a lie. Im tryna set a good example for my kids to always be truthful even if the truth is something they’ve done wrong etc. Lying gets you nowhere imo
I do tell white lies on occasion, but other than that, I've been told I'm "too honest" lol (ie. when someone asks me a question, I give more information than I should)
99.9 percent I am honest. The last whatever percent.. is when I have to lie on occasion. Depending on the situation.
Usually though it's when people ask me about this or that.. and then I have to tell them to ask the person directly involved.
I lie sometimes. As somebody who is still partially closeted I try not to outright lie anymore as opposed to withholding the truth. But I've lied to my dad and my siblings about my orientation in the past because it was something I didn't feel safe sharing yet.

Sometimes a white lie is easier, too. My family history is kind of messy and sometimes it's easier to pretend that it wasn't. People aren't always signing up for a sob story when they ask about things and I understand that.

I don't lie to my girlfriend or my really close friends that already know all of the above, though.
I tell white lies when I know that telling the truth will lead to conflict. This is mostly done when my family are fighting amongst themselves and then they come to me for any information about the other person. Thankfully I haven't had to do this in a public setting yet. Otherwise, I'm honest about my feelings.
I’m painfully honest, so much so that it gets me into trouble 😅 but I do still lie, mainly to conceal things about myself when I’m afraid of judgement.
I think telling little white lies on occasion is a normal human thing, but I admire people who really strive to tell the truth no matter what. I try to be always honest, but sometimes I'll run on automatic and give a wrong answer, or withhold the truth. (When someone asks if I'm okay, it's easier to say "yes" as opposed to saying my true feelings, especially if they're negative.) I'm trying to work on it, though.
I’ll only lie on a rare occasion, either to procure a surprise or prevent someone’s feeling from getting hurt. Outside of those two instances I see no other reason to do so.
I'm almost always honest, because I don't have it in me to lie. When I do I'm a terrible liar. I also just can't keep them because of the guilt. I also know lies always come back to haunt you, which is why I don't see why anyone would lie.
rarely as of late. never had a problem with it, so i wouldn't consider myself a compulsive liar, but i don't like doing it in general unless it's absolutely necessary.