How often do you get Streetpasses?

how do you get people? do you just have your 3DS on with Animal crossing playing and it'll automatically connect with someone else's animal crossing on their 3DS? my streetpass is always empty and I have no idea how it works. but one day I visited it and it was loaded and I have no idea when or how that happened o_O

You can have it playing or just on the home screen, then closed (that's what sleep mode is :D) and have it in your bag or whatever.

It depends where I am. I live in the remoteness of England but I am in proximity of two fairly large cities. One time I went into the McDonald's drive through and I got around 25 street passes. But this was on my old game :'(
I get usually 2 on a college day but weekends anywhere in the region of 10 to 50
1 sometimes 3 a week. I work at a retail store though and that is where I collect most of my streetpasses. I just recently got the silver streetpass badge, I doubt I'll ever get the gold badge.
I now have 21 hits.

But this happens like once a month or so ( 6 hits at the time, at most )
Retract my earlier statement. I dropped my DS in Hollister earlier (honestly, who can blame me??)and I think it started something.
16 Pok?mon Y, 2 ACNL ( ;-; ) and 10 Mii Plaza thingies.
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I've only gotten one ever. I hardly leave the house with my DS though. Or leave the house at all..
I'm currently in Japan, so I get about 15+ a day depending on where I am. I once went to a sort of convention and couldn't stop getting streetpasses @_@

But when I'm in my hometown in the states I rarely get any...
I live on the outskirts of a town, leave my 3DS on constantly and never get streetpasses >w< Even when I go in town I'll be lucky if I get more than two... I used to get 5-10 people from a McDonalds nearby but their router is sorta broken now so I'm not getting Streetpasses from there anymore. I'm thinking about setting up one of those Homepass things for fun at some point though, maybe that'll be a bit better than waiting for that router to be fixed hahah.

Last time I went to a con I got a load of people though!! It felt pretty nice ^^
I get street passes everyday monday - thursday. I take the same paths to my classes all the time and I pass the same people a lot.
I used to StreetPass tons of people back when I attended college. Nowadays, I barely get any at all. *le sob*
I've had my 3DS for a year and only ever got one... Not many people have 3DS here, and if they do, they'd only play at home, have either the console or the streetpass feature turned off.
I don't get out much but when I do I make sure to take my DS with me. Whenever I go to a big shopping center I normally get about 12 streetpasses.
I don't think it's a popular game here as most of the houses are small and mainly filled with Nintendo items. I rarely ever find myself a huge home that someone clearly has worked hard on. :(
Also I've never been able get hold of any ice creams, balloons or any other items yet. :confused:
Not often anymore :/ I used to get a few when the game came out. Now I'm lucky if I get one.
LOL I got one at school once.

Once xD
I carry my 3DS around with me at school to earn play coins and I very infrequently streetpass someone with Pok?mon Y. I have no idea who it is.
I'm going to Hyper Japan in London in November so I'm hoping I'll get a lot!!