How often do you go to the gym/exercise?

I just got back into exercising! I went back on a vegan diet, I've been doing my best to eat healthy meals.
I'm also trying to exercise five times a week.
So far this week I went to the gym and did 40 minutes of cardio, went on a hike, and today I did yoga for a half hour. The yoga was relaxing, and kept me active on a "rest" day.
HA! I laugh at this question as I force a honeybun down by throat in shame. Flawless.
HA! I laugh at this question as I force a honeybun down by throat in shame. Flawless.

Don’t worry. I worked out and went to martial arts today, but I’m stuffing donuts down my throat now while watching DBS. LOL :D
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I used to workout every day, with maybe 1 day off a week. I had a few surgeries which broke my routine, but getting back into it now! I just got back from a 6 mile walk/jog.
I used to workout every day, with maybe 1 day off a week. I had a few surgeries which broke my routine, but getting back into it now! I just got back from a 6 mile walk/jog.

Woah, six miles... that’s a long distance! I only go around three and a half miles on the treadmill... of course I’m running at a high speed the whole time though. :p
Never really, I get pretty good exercise at work where you walk, lift, put up stuff etc. so that's enough. Sometime I might go for a walk in town or just around the blocks but yeah boi not spending hardcore money on it.
I would workout at the gym everyday if I could, but my work hours prevent me from doing so lol. However my job is a workout in itself since I'm lifting things and moving around a lot. I also walk to and from work everyday.
I got a gym membership recently so I usually go on days that I'm off, which is 2-3 times a week and work out for about 1-2 hours everytime I go. If I have time after work some days, I try to work out at home as well.
Fitness is really important to me, I used to be in good shape but lately I feel like I've been slacking lol.
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i used to go running every sunday and i think i will take it up when my summer break comes
currently ive been doing zero exercise other than compulsory P.E in school

running to catch my train is a workout for me :')
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I don't go to the gym but most days if the weather is nice I go for a bike ride or a run or something like that
I haven't stepped foot inside a gym since the last day of my required gym class in 10th grade.
I used to workout every other day for a couple years until pesky mental health problems made me stop a couple months ago. Now I'm too unmotivated to get back into it.
I go every second day at 5 in the morning for an hour. It keeps my mind and body healthy but I end up sleeping a lot at work unless I listen to some good music at work.
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I have to do alot of exercise because I have a heart condition and to keep my heart healthy and fit I need to eat healthily and exercise regularly. I am not allowed to do heavy lifting due to it putting strain on my heart so I have to stick to cardio and running to work my heart muscles! I work out probably 4-6 times a week depending if I can be bothered and if I have the time to do so :p