how often do you switch up the design of your rooms?


Senior Member
May 8, 2019
Orange (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Cherry (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
do you keep your house pretty much the same? or do you switch things up often? i've left my house the same since quarantine and am just now changing some of the rooms.
I've left my rooms mostly the same since I completed the set up a little while back, I'll maybe add in decorations here and there or switch up the wall art as I find/craft new things but for the most part the layout is pretty much the same
I just redid my living room, since I didn't like it anymore. Otherwise, I haven't really decorated any of the rooms to begin with... oops.
hardly ever. once i’m content with how something looks, i’m reluctant to try and change it out of fear of messing it up and so, unless i get bored of a design or no longer like how it looks after a while, things pretty much just stay the same aha.
Whenever I become bored with a room, I redesign it. The only room I haven't renovated since April/May is my study.
i had the same house for a few months and found myself getting bored, so i have recently put everything into storage! going to try and switch it up every now and then to keep things fun - i always forget how much i love decorating in animal crossing until i'm doing it!
My main room is the only room that I keep switching up. But only to go with the seasons. I'm still waiting for the winter DIYs so I could fully decorate it and add the holiday charm it's currently missing.
I have left my rooms the same ever since I finished them ages ago. I don't really have an urge to change them up that often since I like to mostly focus on my island, rather than my house.
The only room I am considering switching up is the back room, because I really don't like the way I decorated it anymore.

I might re-do my main room for Christmas, but I haven't gotten around to it yet xD
I'm a creature of habit who finds comfort and calm in a familiar environment, so once the rooms are decorated, I'm unlikely to change them. Moreover, I play AC to interact with the animals, more than anything else. Decorating the rooms or the island, while fun, isn't something I particularly enjoy doing. So once I'm done, it stays done.
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The only things I've changed in my house were the gas range and the refrigerator, as I finally managed to find them in the colors I wanted (although I still prefer a black single door refrigerator, I'll keep using the white one until I find the black one).

I will eventually add the arcade combat game (the shmup) to my backroom - the arcade - as it's the only gaming machine I'm missing. Other than that, the only thing that I'm missing is a normal toilet in white (I only have the Japanese one). Either the Hi-Tech or the more common one would do.
I guess I am the code ball out. I tend to change my rooms both seasonally and when I find something I like. Since I have also not fully expanded my house yet, I tebd to evaluate my rooms on Saturday for the HHA. Once I have fully upgraded and decorated.....i dont know.
I just redid the main room to decorate for Christmas. I still need a few DIYs and whatnot, but I'm liking how it looks so far. I might switch up the room every time there's a holiday, but that mostly depends on what furniture we get in future updates. (If Nintendo is to be believed about having "years-worth" of content updates, I'm really hoping we get more Halloween furniture next year that's more geared towards indoor decorating rather than this year's outdoor furniture 🙏)
My house has been pretty much the same forever. I would like to redo a room or two for the holiday season, but at the same time, Christmas is depressing af for me so I'm not quite sure that I will. Maybe I'll just do the frozen set and the snowy window wall or whatever it's called.

I really like how the blue cute set looks in Sherb's house and I think I'd like to design a room with that furniture but I don't necessarily like the wallpaper he has so I'm wondering if that set would look nice with the snowy window wall.
my house has been almost exactly the same since I first designed it around May I think? I've added a few items here and there but for the most part I'm fairly happy with it, and there are other things I'd rather do than majorly overhaul my interior every so often
I haven't even finished decorating most of my rooms (I have 5 houses to be fair), so I haven't really gone and changed them at all. Only one of my 5 houses has a truly complete main room, while the others just have stuff thrown in there to be functional. Once I get around to properly decorating those rooms then I'll definitely be redoing them from scratch.
Not very often. Once I get enough stuff crammed into a room to give it a high score, I usually leave well enough alone. For example, my one living/main room has three of the same cuckoo clocks arranged on the wall in an ascending pattern. I originally did this to increase the room's score because I didn't have a lot of wall hanging items. But I kind of like it, so I'm leaving it as is, at least until I earn more villager photos to hang on the wall; then I will need that space.
Not often. My bedroom for instance has been the same way since I created it in April
Only time I change my interior is when I get a new Villager Photo. Otherwise, I'm done with my house.
Not often at all actually, but I've seen a lot of different room designs people have and I'm tempted to try my hand at them, just gotta collect the furniture lol