how often does redd appear on your island?

There was an update at some point that guarantees a visitor shows up the current week if they weren't thete the week before, which means everyone visits once every two weeks with one free day for a random one (who can be Redd if you're lucky).
Once a fortnight. No biggie. I have eight paintings and six statues yet to collect so I'm not too fussed. The rest of my museum is complete so at least it gives me something to look forward to.
As far as I'm aware, it's 100% chance he will show up at least once every 2 weeks.

If you've gone a year without seeing him, then either your save is broken, or you don't play very often. I'm going to guess it's the latter because a year is a very long time to go without questioning it :p
roughly once a fortnight, which like others have said i believe is the way it's 'supposed' to be. although that being said i don't play every day so i don't see him as often as i should
I get him every week to week and a half. To those who don’t get him for months at a time, do you play daily? All the NPCs are suppose to rotate daily within something like a two-week period.
There were a few updates ago that adjusted Redd's visit to our islands where he would appear every two weeks at the latest. In my situation, he visited either earlier this week or last week.
Technically twice a month at least. I've been busy with hobbies lately so I'm only playing a few days a week right now. I haven't been keeping track of when I am seeing him
I've had him a few times! So far.. I also have gotten real and fake art from my villagers.
On one of my islands he comes almost every single week without fail. The catch is, he brings only like 10 different artworks across all those trips, only half of which are typically real. So you'd be lucky to collect a few real pieces, even if he's here often. My other island is lucky to see Redd once a month or less but he almost always brings at least one real painting/statue nowadays. I have seen a shift in both islands to having Redd and Celeste appear rarely or almost never on my main island.
he's guaranteed once every two weeks. i think i had him earlier this week -- he had two genuine paintings, both of which i already have. i bought the basic painting for my girlfriend. visit before that, he had all fakes smh.
I normally see him about every 3 weeks. I log on each day just to see if Redd, CJ, or the Bug Dude is there.
Every other week. It's not always the same day, so it's not exactly 14 days. The NPCs come every 2 weeks. They changed the game for that at some point. If he's not - are you playing every day, M-F? Do you open up your map every day to see if he's there? Are you time traveling? That can affect it.
Too often. Pretty much two times a week. I don't even really talk to him, maybe that's why hes always here
I usually encounter him once every two weeks. It's not as bad as before! :)
I've been playing daily, so I've been able to have Redd appear once every 2 weeks, since you are guaranteed to have all 9 visiting NPCs appear in a 2 week span. It was definitely much more painful before update v1.3.0, where Redd only appeared on my island two times (excluding the first time he appears so you can unlock the art wing of the museum) in between updates v1.2.0 and v1.3.0 despite there being just over 2 months in between updates.
Not often enough! And when he does rock up, it’s with art I’ve already got, the little scammer
Redd appears for me once every 2 weeks or so. But definitely not enough! So hard to get all the real art without time-traveling or trading.