How old are you? (New edition!)

How old are you?

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I've turned 20 since I first voted, all the way back when I was 18. @____@ (i feel old now...)
Aaaand I still can't vote.

I'll just lurk and wait until 2017 :(
I'm thirteen, fourteen on November 5th.

I may grow old, but I'll never grow up. Being an adult sucks.
I'm 15 but I really don't want to enter the next age bracket, please let me stay this age forever ;-; *Doesn't want to handle responsibility and bills*
I'm turning 21 soon... *gasp*

I don't want to grow up, it's all moving too fast! :(
21, and envying everyone younger than me. D:
I'd never wish to be back in high school, but adulthood generally sucks.​
I'm none ;-;. Well I'm really twelve but I voted thirteen despite my thirteenth birthday is 11 1/2 months away.
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