How old are you? (New edition!)

How old are you?

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21, almost 22.
i'm actually quite shocked that it's mostly younger people on here, for some reason i figured the ages were set more towards 17+
i'm 14 and apparently a lot of people are around my age. wow
Yeah, also feeling quite old,
Age 25, represent!
But NOT ashamed of my love for ACNL or this community <3
I do feel restricted in my vocabulary usage (I don't mean swearing) but as in age-appropriate vocabulary and generally feeling restricted about topics I am interested in, such as politics (moreso in jest.... of how the Canadian PM has been named the "sexiest polititian in the world"...... Its Trudeau.....". Really, teenagers, who clearly take up the majority of this forum, don't really care about politics, other than me positing pics of him riding a moose (photoshopped), him topless, and his Harry Potter pic on the Hogwarts Express..... And of course the video of him Bhangra Dancing..... But then again, he is like 42.... and I don't know how many of you wwatch Game of Thrones and would get the "To Old" meme either..... *sigh*
So no.... age is not just a number....
And living on a boarder city..... Drinking age here is 19.... Drinking age across the river in the US is 21..... so all the Americans come over to my city to party it up, legally, where we have a casino and no shortage of clubs, bars, pubs and the highest number of strip clubs per capits - higher than Vegas (from what I hear) and our laws are more "lax" in terms of what legally aged men/women can do with the dancers than the US.
I often can't speak about university life or topics of post-secondary nature because its irrelevent or falls on deaf ears. TBT is not the place.
I cannot rant about my reality - the very things many of you fear when you reach adulthood - bill payments, being behind in rent, health issues, work stress, long term relationship (and when I say "long term", I mean relationships such as mine, common-law, 8 years, etc...) issues, friends/family getting married and having children, among other things that could potentially be considered "triggers" for some, which to me really just raises awareness on some very real issues that a majority of us will face or have already faced.
I feel restricted in speaking about certain video games I play on other consoles..... containing content that is mature. Now knowing that the ESRB is completely disregarded for some, if this poll is true, many of you play the same Rated M games that I do.
No doubt many of the TBTers in this age braket may feel the same.
I am seventeen years old :)
Quite funny to see that there are people above 55!
Animal Crossing is nice for everyone :D
Its awesome seeing how one game can appeal to so many different age groups! I plan to keep playing animal crossing for a long time if they continue to make new games!
I'm 26 and don't care. I was like 13 when I started with AC.
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