How Old Are You?

How old are you?

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I'm in my early 40's and I think I'm fairly active on the forum. I check in and post daily but mainly keep to the New Leaf and Brewster's Cafe sections since I don't own New Horizons.

I see CrankyCupcake, Imbri, and Nunnafinga posting pretty regularly. I haven't had any personal interactions with them, but they all seem great based on their posts.

It's always nice to see some fellow 'older' members around the forums. Hope you enjoy your time here!
Thank you 🙂 Can New Leaf be played on the Switch? I remember hearing about Animal Crossing years ago when I had a Wii and I wish I got into it back then. Better late than never!
22 since May. It's a bit insane knowing I made this account over half my life ago :x

man I feel so old! My inner child demands for me to continue playing on the internet and on video games, though, so here I am

I hope you're all having a lovely day
I’m 23. It feels like just yesterday I was in high school. Where did the time go? 🤔
just turned 22 so i had to come by and change my answer haha

I'm feeling older by the second
22 years old, though i definitely don't feel like it. feels weird that i'll be almost 23 in a few months ...