How Old Are You?

How old are you?

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I am 23, turning 24 on January 5th. Almost 25% of the way to 100!
im 15, about to turn 16 next month I'm so not ready to become an adult theres just a few years left 😨
Turned 30 today so I can finally vote in that bracket whenever new thread is on 😄
Almost halfway through 27. Honestly, I'm really excited to enter my 30s! Late 20s kinda feels like the tween stage of "adulthood."
22 going on 23. I know it's annoying to hear 20-something complain about 'feeling' old, but I don't look forward to that number increasing
Turned 30 today so I can finally vote in that bracket whenever new thread is on 😄
There won't be a new thread. I switched on the option to change your vote in this thread in May 2020 after we moved over to Xenforo so there is no need to re-create this thread annually anymore. :)
I am now officially in the most percentage group q-q
There won't be a new thread. I switched on the option to change your vote in this thread in May 2020 after we moved over to Xenforo so there is no need to re-create this thread annually anymore. :)
Yeah I noticed that afterwards, I've no idea how this software works so I'll go change actually.