How Old Are You?

How old are you?

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A couple weeks ago it was my birthday so 27 now I suppose. Pretty crazy considering I was 17 when I first joined this forum. Time sure flies. 😳
Just turned 22 today! (haha like the Taylor Swift song) finally old enough to change my age bracket on the poll 💔
i’m 19 today!! moving up an age bracket lol
I'm now 26, as of March 10th! I moved up an age bracket from when I last posted :}
I’m 23, which felt old as a kid but as an adult… I’m still a youngin
I’m 21 but I don’t quite feel like it. I feel so childish sometimes it’s hard to believe I can legally drink.
I’m 30 years old now. I’m an old apple.

It’s crazy that the 25-29 and 30-34 brackets are the most popular now. Back when I joined, they weren’t as big.