How Old Are You?

How old are you?

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I moved up a category on my most recent birthday so its about time I update my vote.
Hello 30 🌞
There are only 9 people here my age? I don't know if it is sad that I play the game at my age or if I am revolutionary for my age group 😅
and here I thought I was in the minority lol. I have the 5th least amount of votes in my age category, so I guess my age group is fairly common!
Well, it's about time for me to pack my bags. Because I'm moving to a new group (35-39) this month.
I turned 40 very recently.

It's quite fun making old and dated references that younger people won't understand. It's also really fun to talk about the good ol' days.

*pointing at you like Abe Simpson*
It'll happen to you!
It's quite fun making old and dated references that younger people won't understand. It's also really fun to talk about the good ol' dadays
You aren't supposed to admit that, but you are new to the age group 😉

I am kidding obviously, but it really is weird when young people take interest in "retro" movies and I try to explain that I had to read TV Guide to set my VCR timer to record the TV edited version, with commercials, and that was our entertainment. (The timer usually never worked because someone else in the family would change the channel) I must have watched Tremors and Princess Bride a billion times because those were the movies that came on TV and we were able to record.
Ancient. Like, drank from the holy grail and could've had a seat at the last supper kind of old.

Ok, maybe not that extreme, but yeah I'm getting up there. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm any wiser. At. All. Still the same airhead that was singing and dancing along to the Bee Gees all those years ago, lol.