May I ask what you mean by "invoking the privilege card" please? I don't agree with the rest of your comment but before I respond, I want to make sure I'm clear on your meaning. Thanks.
Wow, nosy much aren't you. But if you want me to explain, I'll do it.
You heard of the race card, right? The privilege card is exactly like that. For instance, I get a good job, with good pay and get excellent housing. I did it because I worked hard for it. But some people would say that I was able to get it becsuse I'm white and not because I worked hard. Normally, those people who say stuff like that are trying to bully or harass those who are white or male.
I'm curious to hear more. What do you consider to be the "real issue"?
There was also a good point made earlier concerning putting down an opinion by asking someone to "check their privilege" is reductive. But to generally ask someone to check their privilege is to ask them to reflect on their current standing in relation to others'. So in that light, I find it an appropriate and necessary tool for our rapidly globalizing societies.
But I would like to hear more on your thoughts ~
Real issue meaning stuff like the actual reason and not the traits. Take for instance a school class of mostly one race and the whites are the minority. Because of the poor study habits of most of the class (and becsuse of the good study habits the few white students), the white ones were able to advance further and get good grades. The real issue there would be on studying and not race. If it were the other way around (where the racial minorities had good study habits and the whites were being lazy), the minorities would be able to move further as the whites are held back. Basically speaking, they're not going to continue those who are failing as they will allow the passing ones to move on. But if it were the white people that got the advantage for their habits, people that invoke the card wouldn't even think it's their habits. They would think it's their race. And normally, they say that to force teachers to give the minorities good grades regardless on how they perform. That's impractical, and in recent times, it's making white people feel bad because of their skin.
When you said it's a necessary tool for our rapidly growing societies, I highly disagree. Diversity is something you need to achieve, not to expect. If I ran a business, I wouldn't care if 90% of my employees are white. I wouldn't care if 75% of my employees aren't white. I wouldn't care if the amount of religions practiced by all employees is five. I wouldn't care if they're not American. I'm only gonna accept those who are productive, skilled, and have good moral traits. I wouldn't select people based on race. But I am very willingly gonna blacklist anyone who supports political correctness.
Hope my definition of 'real issue' is clear enough.