How tall are you?

I'm 5'3", and I've been that height since I was in like 8th or 9th grade, so I'm not growing anymore.

It kinda sucks cause everyone towers over me, and I can never reach the top shelf of anything without climbing on a chair or something.
But it's also kinda funny cause, like, my brother is a lot taller than me but I obviously assert my dominance over him :cool:
5'2", and I've been stuck around that height since I was 12, around about the age that my Mum stopped growing as well. Yay, genetics! :D
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I'm about 166 cm tall so 5'4"-(ish). I've been quite pleased with my height but I wouldn't mind being taller either - it's impossible now though since I'm not going to grow any taller. :eek:
I'm 5'5'' and have been this height since 5th grade, lol. I shot up quick and then stopped while all my friends caught up to me.