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How to rate changes in media


Old > New
Sep 9, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Palm City
Flower Glow Wand
Cool Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Apple (Fruit)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
When it comes to remakes of movies and video games, as well as new installments to games like Pokemon and Animal Crossing, I came up with an interesting rating system that rates all changes and similarities of interest.

The scale goes from -2 to 2, where each change/similarity has an integer as its rating. For stuff that changed, positive scores mean that you liked the change, regardless of whether it's actually good or actually bad. Negative scores mean that you hated the change, whether or not your opinion is a popular one. And 0 scores mean you don't care about the change. For stuff that stayed the same, positive scores mean that you were glad that they didn't make any edits to something when others got changed. Negative scores mean that you wished they made changes to that never changes. And 0 scores mean that you wouldn't care whether or not you liked the change. Many prefer the 5-star system, and many would add more points to precisely rate a change or similarity, but my rating system only extends from -2 to 2.

More descriptive detail of each rating (examples are objective):

Stuff that changed:

  • +2 - the change was an excellent change as they made the remake or new installment as it proves that the latter game or film is better in that area. For example, between Mario Kart 8 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, one change Nintendo made with this rating is that battle arenas with more challenges have replaced the battle tracks the Wii U version had.
  • +1 - the change was rather neutral, but leaning towards the positive side. Changes like this made the remake or new installment better than the original or previous installment (respectivey), but the change isn't that big of a deal. For example, in the amiibo update in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, the lawnmower and sprinkler (which were previously made unorderable) were made orderable again.
  • 0 - the change absolutely had no effect on your opinions, as you wouldn't care either way on which version was better. For example, in Ocarina of Time 3D, the creepy boat in the Shadow Temple had a creepy skeleton as its mast instead of some raven statue.
  • -1 - the change was rather neutral. but leaning towards the negative side. Changes like this mare the remake or new installment worse than the original or previous installment, but the change isn't that big of a deal. For example, in Super Mario Galaxy 2, the ice flower like seen in the first game was scrapped.
  • -2 - the change was a terrible change as this becomes a complaint about the remake or new installment that the former game or film didn't have the problem at all or was at least better. For example, in Pokemon Sun & Moon, the Player Search System was replaced with Festival Plaza.
Keep in mind that when you rate changes, do not rate any hardware changes because the hardware is related to the system and not the game.

Stuff that remained the same:

  • +2 - whatever remained the same in both versions was good in the original version or previous installment as you were glad that it wasn't messed with in the remake or new installment. This can refer to background music, characters, and features you liked in the former game or film that would've made the latter worse off if they changed it. For example, the same eight Mario Kart racers in Mario Kart 64 remained to be in Mario Kart for several games.
  • +1 - the similarity in both versions was something you liked as you didn't like seeing it change, but this was rather neutral to your opinion. You would've cared if they changed it, but not very much. For example, in Paper Mario TTYD, there was a goomba sidekick that gives out very interesting detail about the world, just like the goomba sidekick in Paper Mario 64.
  • 0 - the similarity in both versions that would've changed absolutely had no impact on your opinions on whether or not if keeping it or changing it would make the latter any better. This does not include everything. It includes what could've changed that people would care about but not you. For example, when The Wind Waker was remade for HD, swimming for too long still impacts your health.
  • -1 - there was a minor fault in the previous version that you would've asked for a change, but was not changed as the producers made the changes. For example, Pokemon will still disobey you when traded, as long as you don't have as many badges or stamps and the level of the Pokemon was too high for your records. This has never been changed since the beginning of Pokemon.
  • -2 - whatever remained the same in both versions was a major flaw in the original version or previous installment as you wonder why they didn't fix the flaw when the producers were focusing on something else. This could refer to glitches or features/music that you didn't like. For example, in Animal Crossing: Wild World, you still need a shopper from another town to unlock Nookington's, which is the same remodeling requirement from the GameCube Version.
Average rating of changes:

When you compile all the stuff that changed in both versions and find the average rating, the rating determines how well the overall changes were. The higher the score, the better the latter version is. The lower the score, the better the former version is. A full +2 or -2 rating is inconceivable except for rare circumstances. Not only that, but not everybody will have the same opinion.

  • Greater than or equal to 1 - the overall changes or new features to the video game or film made the remake or new installment much better than the original or previous installment. Because of this, you would not want to go back to the former version as you enjoy the latter version.
  • Less than 1, positive - the overall changes or new features to the video game or film made the remake or new installment slightly better than the original or previous installment. You would stick to the latter, but live with the former too.
  • Greater than -1, negative - the overall changes or new features to the video game or film made the remake or new installment slightly worse than the original or previous installment. You would stick to the former, but live with the latter.
  • Less than or equal to -1 - the overall changes or new features to the video game or film made the remake or new installment much worse than the original or previous installment. Because of this, you would want to go back to the former version as you scorn the latter version.
Average rating of similarities:

When you compile all the stuff that stayed the same in both versions and find the average rating, the rating determines how much should've been changed or should've stayed the same. The higher the score, the more that you felt were right to keep the same. The lower the score, the more that should've changed that didn't. A full +2 or -2 rating is inconceivable except for rare circumstances. Not only that, but not everybody will have the same opinion.

  • Greater than or equal to 1 - the overall similarities between both versions were actually very good as you would prefer that they keep them in the next version or change for the better. A higher score shows how much worse off the latter version would be if they changed it (unless if the change was a positive one).
  • Less than 1, positive - the overall similarities show that you wouldn't care too much at all on what they kept the same, but if they changed something, it wouldn't be that good. You were somewhat happy with what they kept same, but overall, it would be neutral.
  • Greater than -1, negative - the overall similarities show that you wouldn't care too much at all on what they kept the same, but it would be better off if some things you didn't like or wish for improvements changed. It's more of a lose-lose situation as significant as eating a sandwich.
  • Less than or equal to -1 - the overall similarities between both versions show that there's a lot of improvement that should've been done, but the producers ignored these flaws as they focused on other things. A lower score shows how severe the situation was when flaws in the former version never got fixed in the latter.
Based on the average scores of changes and similarities, there are 16 possible combinations, including one that you enjoyed the changes, but wished they changed more, one where you were disappointed that they didn't focus on the flaws as they made changes you didn't like, but cared less, and four indifferent opinions on changes and similarities.

That's all for today.