Hi, everyone! So, I've recently gotten some Splatoon amiibos, and I've scanned them and stuff, but it only gave one piece of it. Anyway, I've tried looking online for how to get the rest of it and I've kind of gotten mixed answers. Lots were saying that it's like once per level or something, and others said you got the rest of your gear by saving your gear to it, or that you have to scan once a day. Anyway, if it's level related, I'm level 70 if that helps with anything. If it's by saving gear to it, could someone explain to me how to do that? ;-; And I've tried scanning once per day and it didn't do anything, but if that's what you're supposed to do I could try again :v If it's none of these, please let me know!! 
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Hmmm never mind, pretty sure you just level up the gear xD
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Hmmm never mind, pretty sure you just level up the gear xD
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