Normally I can take criticism pretty well. I don't mind it. To be honest I do really appreciate criticism as long as it's constructive because then I can better myself and improve myself. It's a lot easier when people point things out to me that I'm doing wrong and could improve on because normally I'd probably have never even noticed those little things. I think as long as people are being constructive when giving you criticism, that's perfectly okay and you should at least take on board and consider those as potential ideas when bettering yourself like in a certain skill or something.
However... I do get pretty touchy on whoever gives me criticism. If it's a teacher, I don't mind. But if it is someone who I feel is being unfair and harsh to me or someone who is doing this with the wrong intent, then I absolutely have a problem with it and normally just ignore what they have to say. For example: When I was on work experience. I arrived late on one day and I was only 2 minutes late. I was only being given the crappy jobs and it was not like they even needed nor wanted me there so it wasn't such a huge deal. It also didn't help the bus times were just so awkward meaning I'd either arrive there extremely early or just by the skin of my teeth... And the buses often ran a couple of minutes late too. I did apologize and they said it was okay. But then the next day, the bus just stopped for no reason, so once again I was 2 minutes late for work experience. I walked in and then I was given a lecture on why it is is an important life skill to be punctual to things and how I should be ready for work at 10 and blah blah. I knew that... I'm always in on time for school and on time for other things, yet he was just throwing a huge hissy fit over me being 2 minutes late because of stupid buses. That being said, I didn't even care what he had to say. I might sound INCREDIBLY ignorant for saying this, but the manager of the business is an incredibly rude, selfish and impatient man. So what. I won't listen to people who are just making me feel like I am merely just a burden.
So yes. I agree. You should at least listen to constructive criticism... But whether you accept it or not depends on who the person is. >:V