I'm just a ghost.
I didn't care about my graduation I was in the mindset of "Please god let me out of this and let me be done already" School really hurt me mentally and to make matters worse only my parents were at my graduation and nobody else. (hardly surprising) and also my grades were so good that I was exempt from doing any exams. I don't know if its because the teachers at this school think I was "too smart" or they just thought the subjects that I did so well would be a breeze for me, but never the less at least I got it done and over with.That’s an interesting outlook you have. I think school would have been more “fun” for me if the people I went to school with weren’t such bullies. That’s why I was so excited to graduation — because adults know how to act. I think the bullying was detrimental to my grades if I’m being honest. If I wasn’t so concerned with having to deal with them, I would’ve been able to focus more on the classes. I didn’t even go to college, though. It just wasn’t necessary for what I wanted to do in life.