How will you be using the Toy Day toy items?

I'm not going to use these, but the ideas did occur when I first saw these new toys.

Godzilla with an army of dinosaur toys versus Robot Hero with an army of tin robots.
Godzilla and Robot Hero surrounded by dollhouses, like Power Rangers or something.
Kids' Tent at the campsite, of course. I'll probably do this one.
I'll replace the HHA trophies and mom's pen stands in my fairy village with the doll houses. Given the range of colors, it'll make a fun area.

I may add a few toys to my playground area. The copter and the dinos would be cute near the sandbox. The mini circuit will go on a small table outside Filbert's house (possibly replacing the tricycle there now).

Plushies in my room. I may give one to Flora, because it would fit her house, and she's got a bit of a mix and match going, anyway.

Not sure on the others.
I would love to see how people used the tent in their campsite. I tried to incorporate it in mine, but I can’t get it to “work”.
I just want to collect the toys because they are cute. I might put a few in the house and a couple of tents outside. My Nooks Crannies haven't had any of the ones I really want yet. But it's fun to run in and check to see what they have.
Just playing with my fab new helicopter in the play park 😊
