• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

How You Guys Do It?

I spend most every night making roundtrips to the island beetle hunting. On a good night you can possibly make up to 500k a trip. Well worth the 1k to get there. I swat away junk beetles like horned dynastids and fruit beetles and then catch only the ones worth money. Also, try selling as late as you can at the Re-Tail. She seems to pay more towards the end of the day.

I also play the way you do. Got very frustrated spending so much time making bells I wasn't truly enjoying the game. This is a great place to sell things you don't want. It will get easier.
Have a second copy of New Leaf, and use it to cycle through villagers to sell.
I'm using my sister's copy (with her permission) and it's basically the only method I'm using at the moment to make bells.
I just go on April Fool's (I'm TT'ing day by day to get back to the right date) and sell the villager pictures I get since I have some pretty wanted villagers in my town.

EDIT: Sell the villager pictures to people on here I mean xD for 200k ea.
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Perfect Fruit... I make about 200k every harvest, sometimes more if Im not lazy. Plant your perfect fruit around your town square, and put up small projects to keep areas near the cliffs clear and make an orchard near them. To plant a perfect fruit tree you need a perfect native fruit from your town, dig a hole and make sure 1 block is clear all around the hole then plant it! When you harvest, you sell in a friends town, or you can trade perfect fruit with eachother.
I've only been playing for 9 days so far, but I've made enough to pay off a loan per day (other than one day when Nook's Homes was closed, so I couldn't request an expansion) solely by beetle-hunting on the island. And that's only been one or two trips dedicated entirely to beetle-hunting per day.

I think one of the best ways to make bells is the stalk market, although that does require bells to get into. My friend told me she bought 100k worth of turnips and got 1mil back from it, so if you're willing to put a lot of bells into it, you can get even more out of it. And since it's pretty easy to find someone with reasonably high turnip prices online, there isn't too much risk involved.

There's also perfect and non-native fruit, but that takes a while to get set up. If you want immediate bells, definitely try catching beetles on the island.
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Try selling stuff on the forum Re-tail. If you have some Saharah exclusive wallpaper/flooring, that's a good place to start. Or sell hybrids! Basically anything you don't want, you can sell. You never know what someone else is looking for - it's all about being at the right place at the right time :)

You can also grow a grove of perfect fruit, and hoard them till someone at another town has them going at a premium at their town's Re-tail. Best case scenario would be that you sell your perfect fruit at a non-native town with a premium.
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Go to your island --- chop down every single tree in the middle -- also get rid of all flowers.

Leave about 5 Palm trees

Chase away wharf roaches and Hermit crabs

You will make about 300,000 bells per hour.

Have the bell bloom ordinance.
Turnips. Turnips. Turnips.

If I put my mind to it, I can easily make ten million a week of the stalk market. :blush:
Harvest perfect fruit and sell them at someone else's town who's native fruit is NOT the same as yours.
If you're fine with TTing, April Fools and villager pics are a great way to get some bells. On average, one pic goes for 100k, but some of the more popular villagers can even sell for 500k.

The events are also a great way to go. Those 1-day-only items are well-loved by tons of people.

You can also make a ton of medals at the Island, wait for rare stuff to pop up, and then sell it for a ton of bells.
Turnips. Buy as many as you can, put them in your box/locker. Sell them in another town. You can pretty much guaranteed find someone here on TBT who has an extreme bell spike every week. They'll want you to leave a tip, but you make so much profit, even leaving a large 10% tip is still worth it.
It's all about routine. Every morning - I pull out my shovel. Head around town to hit all the rocks and dig up anything. I save the money. Check the fossils and donate/sell them. I talk to all of my villagers, they usually give me 4 or 5 items. Then whenever I get a chance (watching TV, etc) I go to the island and just catch everything I can.
I don't spend my bells.
Guess that's not really much of a tip, but that's the only reason I still have something stored up in my savings, haha.

Even without the Bell Boom ordinance, beetle hunting can still net you a decent amount of bells per trip. Consider investing in the stalk market, too. The existence of online communities like TBT make selling turnips at high prices pretty easy.
I don't go online, so my income is solely from what I can make on my own, but in the last week or so I've managed to put 600K in the bank.

I mainly hunt beetles and sharks on the island (don't take home anything less than 8,000 bells). I dig up my fossils every day and sell any gems I find, except gold. If turnips are below 95 when Joan is selling, I'll buy 1,000-2,000, but I'm not counting on that to make money.

I always try to keep 1,000 bells on hand, in case I want to go to the island, but anything over that (unless I'm going shopping) goes into the bank. They pay interest, so if you can just throw 100 bells at a time in there, it'll start adding up.
I think everyone has pretty much mentioned everything on how to raise your bell value.

To start off with I did a lot of fishing, bug catching and such and sold them all once my museum had them. I was broke for a long time. Island bug catching is best if you remove all flowers and the trees from the middle part so the rare bugs only spawn. If anything that's not rare spawns, ensure you chase it away. The best time for this is after 11pm (you can always TT to that time if it's too late). You can earn around 300-400k in 30-45 minutes from doing this.

Other than that, having duplicates of anything spotlight, fortune cookie items, fossils, etc. and selling them on forums is better than selling them at re-tail as people needing those items are likely to pay more than you'd get at re-tail.

Moving in valuable villagers from the campsite will give you a lot of bells. Just do a little research and see how much they are and auction them off. My 1st camper was Beau who I moved in, then decided I didn't like him and let him go to the void without realising just how popular he was! :(

On some of the forums, some people hire people to landscape and pick weeds, etc. so you could look out for those and get hired and earn some extra bells too.

Buying quite a few turnips is always a good idea, but it's at a risk. But then again it's easier to sell by finding people that have great turnip prices on forums such as this and selling at a huge profit.

Once you build up a decent amount of bells, keep them in your bank account as you'll earn interest on them. The more bells you save the more interest you'll gain.

Hope that helps? Good luck. :D
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Although it's been mentioned many times, it's beetle hunting on the island. Lol. But, it's also knowing what kind of beetles gives what. For instance, the golden stag beetle is the one worth the most. One of them earns you 12,000 bells. Get more, clearly it doubles/triples/quadruples the amount. You might already know this, but, it's good to know what certain beetles earn you. I've done so much beetle hunting, I already know the beetles and their name. Lol. It's developing a fair share of patience I learned, whatever works for you in filling the basket to as much beetles you can catch. Also, it's recommended you chop off the palm trees at the bottom center and keep the ones at the sides for easier hunting.
I supplement my income by trading here. Whenever you get an unwanted Saharah exclusive, sell it! They can go for anywhere from 250k up to a mil for in-demand ones like the Lunar Horizon or Sci-Fi wall/floor.

My primary source of income is still beetle-hunting though- I prefer to earn the majority of my money through gameplay, not trading. Usually I can make about 700 to 800k a night (two runs to the island with a full basket each time) if I am feeling up to it. There's also the stalk market, but I don't often bother with it.

Wow, this is something I never knew! I think I have two wallpapers and two carpets from her that I have been holding on to in case I want them back in the future, but I think I'll sell them. Nice tip - will definitely use!^^ Thanks! :)

Thanks for the help, everyone! I'll be getting rid of Shari for 5 million Bells soon, and I'll definitely sell lots of beetles, fish, carpets, etc. :) This was so helpful! I was surprised at how many replies this thread received. Thanks so much! :)
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