Cat King
Hit and Give is a game where you have a list of characters with their corresponding number of points. You may choose to "hit" a character (which decreases their score by 1) and "give" another character (which increases their score by 1). Each character will have the same number of points at the start of the game. If a character gets to zero points, they are eliminated from the game and will be removed from the list of characters. If there are three characters remaining, giving will be disabled and you will only be able to hit a character.
Because these games can get reeeeaaaally one-sided and boring sometimes, I have decided to add a new rule for the game to balance out a bit. I don't know how much change there will be from this, but it's worth a try.
I call this rule the 2 point curse. Once half of the characters are eliminated, hitting the leading character will take away 2 points instead of 1. Giving still remains as 1 point though. The 2 point curse can only affect one character at a time. It will apply to the leading character until they are dead or among the final 3. Once the leading character is dead, the current leading character will have the 2 point curse. If the leading character is among the final 3, the 2 point curse does not apply anymore. Remember, this applies to only the leading character, so hitting any other character will simply reduce 1 point instead of 2. If multiple characters are tied for first place, the 2 point curse does not apply until the tie is broken in some way.
Anyway, now that all of that explaining is done, the theme for this Hit and Give will be the Mega Evolutions introduced in Pok?mon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I thought it would be fitting since ORAS was released like, a month ago, and now we won't have people saying "ZOMG SPOILERS" or something.
Since there are 20 characters in this H&G, the 2 point curse rule applies when there are 10 characters remaining. Also, 20 characters is a lot, so I decided to lower the starting points to 4 instead of 5. And let me just clarify this one last thing, Kyogre and Groudon aren't in this list because Primal Reversion is different from Mega Evolution even though they both do almost exactly the same thing.
Beedrill - 4
Pidgeot - 4
Slowbro - 4
Steelix - 4
Sceptile - 4
Swampert - 4
Sableye - 4
Sharpedo - 4
Camerupt - 4
Altaria - 4
Glalie - 4
Salamence - 4
Metagross - 4
Latias - 4
Latios - 4
Rayquaza - 4
Lopunny - 4
Gallade - 4
Audino - 4
Diancie - 4
Because these games can get reeeeaaaally one-sided and boring sometimes, I have decided to add a new rule for the game to balance out a bit. I don't know how much change there will be from this, but it's worth a try.
I call this rule the 2 point curse. Once half of the characters are eliminated, hitting the leading character will take away 2 points instead of 1. Giving still remains as 1 point though. The 2 point curse can only affect one character at a time. It will apply to the leading character until they are dead or among the final 3. Once the leading character is dead, the current leading character will have the 2 point curse. If the leading character is among the final 3, the 2 point curse does not apply anymore. Remember, this applies to only the leading character, so hitting any other character will simply reduce 1 point instead of 2. If multiple characters are tied for first place, the 2 point curse does not apply until the tie is broken in some way.
Anyway, now that all of that explaining is done, the theme for this Hit and Give will be the Mega Evolutions introduced in Pok?mon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I thought it would be fitting since ORAS was released like, a month ago, and now we won't have people saying "ZOMG SPOILERS" or something.
Since there are 20 characters in this H&G, the 2 point curse rule applies when there are 10 characters remaining. Also, 20 characters is a lot, so I decided to lower the starting points to 4 instead of 5. And let me just clarify this one last thing, Kyogre and Groudon aren't in this list because Primal Reversion is different from Mega Evolution even though they both do almost exactly the same thing.
Beedrill - 4
Pidgeot - 4
Slowbro - 4
Steelix - 4
Sceptile - 4
Swampert - 4
Sableye - 4
Sharpedo - 4
Camerupt - 4
Altaria - 4
Glalie - 4
Salamence - 4
Metagross - 4
Latias - 4
Latios - 4
Rayquaza - 4
Lopunny - 4
Gallade - 4
Audino - 4
Diancie - 4
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