Always happy to help a repeat customer! Give me a couple minutes to gather the flowers and I'll be right over!Hello again!
Could I please get 4 pink hyacinths, 7 purple hyacinths, 3 purple windflowers, 3 orange lilies, and 5 black roses? Thanks so much!!
Thanks so much!! I’ll PM you a codeAlways happy to help a repeat customer! Give me a couple minutes to gather the flowers and I'll be right over!
No problem! If you're available now I can gather up the flowers and deliver them in a few minutes!Hello! I'd like some hybrids as I have very bad luck with them >_<
May I please get: Pink rose x4, Orange Pansy x2, Purple Tulip x4, Pink Cosmos x4, Pink lily x4, Pink mum x2, Purple mum x2,
All yours! I just need a few minutes to gather all the flowers and I'll be ready to deliver them soon!May in have..?
Orange Roses (4)
Pink Rose (3)
Orange Tulip (3)
Blue Pansy (4)
Orange Pansy (3)
Black Cosmos (4)
Orange Cosmos (1)
Pink Cosmos (2)
Pink Windflowers (4)
0range Lily (4)
Pink Lily (2)
I know it's a lot so please let me know what I can give you for a tip
I currently have an out going order of pink cosmos, but if that person doesn't reply then they're all yours!Hi there, if there are any still available, we’d love some pink cosmos and mums! Thank you!
All yours! Just give me a minute to grab them and Ill be right over! Please send me a dodo code with your town name.Could I get all the purple tulips and purple hyacinths you have? :3
Not a problem! I'll be free until 5pm PST today and then again from 7pm to 9pm. If that doesnt work then just lmk what time over the weekend would work for you!Hi! If it's alright, could I possibly grab the following flowers off your hands?![]()
blue pansies x2
blue windflowers x2
orange cosmos x2
orange lilies x3
orange tulips x2
black tulips x2
black lilies x2
pink roses x2
Thanks so much!
Awesome, I'm actually available right now too! I'll send you a pm!Not a problem! I'll be free until 5pm PST today and then again from 7pm to 9pm. If that doesnt work then just lmk what time over the weekend would work for you!