Cycling Hyogo's Temporary Cycling Thread. [Cycling in Progress...]

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Sometimes, he do miss
Jul 15, 2013
New Horizons Token
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Jingle Christmas Doll
Poptart Easter Egg
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Yellow Pansy
Yellow Cosmos
Red Cosmos
Red Cosmos
User Title Color Change
100% (85) +
Well I'm looking to start my town from a new, At the same time I will NEED another Cycler (Or a few if possible) to help me with holding the 7 Villagers (I can drop Kabuki though) I wish to still keep for my new town, I cannot/will not start cycling until this is confirmed.

If I perhaps get ANY of the listed villagers in my new town as starters or random move-in during those times, I give you every right to cycle them on for someone else to enjoy, Just promise me you can reserve these villagers for me if I still need them.

This is temporary so as soon as my wanted villagers are being held and the ones I'm willing to give away are cycled on (or if I nail any popular villagers on the way) I will close this thread down.

Feel free to lurk, This will be a First come, First served cycling thread. Enjoy.

Current Villagers up for adoption:
-Marina <- Exceptionally reserved for CoffeeAddict

Current Villagers to be transferred to my new town:
-Genji<-Can be held by Twilight Sparkle.
-Punchy <-Can be held by Yookey
-Octavian <-Can be held by pengutango
-Marshal <-Can be held by Twilight Sparkle.
-Rosie <-Can be held by DaCoSim
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This is First come, First serve. I'm not holding up reservations.

I just hope to find some people willing to hold some of my villagers sometime soon, I'd love to reset somepoint today =u=
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I don't think mine arrives until the end of this week ;< hyuuuuu~ I'm totally planning to do what you're doing right now though xDD! (I don't like my layout because I'm picky -_-)
That'd be really great! ;u;

I don't think mine arrives until the end of this week ;< hyuuuuu~ I'm totally planning to do what you're doing right now though xDD! (I don't like my layout because I'm picky -_-)
I just don't like my Mayor's look anymore, There's a different eye style which I really want =n=

And I just believe it'd be really great to start over again.
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Ohh haha. Yeah it's always fun to start anew sometimes. :) You know.. I'm starting to kind of like Genji. Kind of. But not nearly enough. But to be clear now, it's your fault.
Why am I constantly motivating people to adore Genji? I honestly noticed he's starting to get more popular around the forums after I joined XD
Let me know when there moving , Have a free spot in the cycle town right now but it wont take me long to move someone
Well I'll start cycling if someone/others can hold the other 4 (or 5)

Kabuki wouldn't be the biggest loss since I didn't pay for him, But I ship him with Genji, hurr hurr.
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I partially blame your sig pic. The dots. Are. So. Cute. And the pink cheeks. I'd never really heard of Genji until I saw you mention him. I DUNNO. IT'S YOUR FAULT OK ;~;
Urgggghsdfwefffffflskdddd -smashes face on keyboard-

How's marshal? :3 I got him yesterday.
O: For free?

And Marshal's doing fine, Just wish he was wearing one of the custom shirts in my Ables.
Yeah, I lucked out in a raffle. ;~;

I'm still crying on the inside over Zucker but oh wells. I think I'm more sad about it because he was from you and had a wicked awesome shirt on haha.

- - - Post Merge - - -

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