Cycling Hyogo's Temporary Cycling Thread. [Cycling in Progress...]

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It's fine, I'm about to start Cycling anyway.

Hope all goes well for the lurkers!
Snow was happening and Octavian fell in a Pitfall.
Poor Octopus.

Do keep me entertained while I Cycle!
I used to dislike Genji at first but then I realized he was so awesome and now he's like my best buddy.
I've seemed to have made a few people notice that though aswell, He's been getting slightly more popular while I've been around.

Also Fang was in my Campsite, boohoo.
Chrissy is in Boxes, I will be holding her for 10 Minutes.

I still have to thank Hazumi for Chrissy in the first place, I hope she goes to a great home!
Your sig photo and avatar is so freaking cute. Ugh, I can see why everyone loves Genji now. That's how I feel about Kabuki. He's so awesome.
Cool beans, Added you and I will be open in a minute.
Chrissy has been Adopted, Thank you.

Back to Cycling!
I am not reserving villagers, sorry.
You can get her if you're the first one to reply to the thread when she wants to move.

I will also be looking out for good campers, I'll be sure to notify people if anyone good in there shows up.
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oh, alright, thanks for letting me know! hope you don't mind if i just sit here and lurk then, lmao.
I'd be willing to hold someone for you, I'm also about to reset and I'm trying to cycle out reserved villagers atm but I'm stuck at 7 and no one has asked to leave or moved in >//< I need anyone to hold the space ;A;
I'll let you know if any of my wanted villagers are wanting to move out, Thanks.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Fun, Stitches just asked to move.

I'll add you now?
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