"hype" Villagers


Senior Member
Jan 4, 2021
So in new horizons, there's the "hype" villagers, aka the popular ones, and I honestly think their, cute, ( I do have Raymond, marshal, Audie, sherb and Judy) but they are a bit overrated. I mean Raymond is very cute, but on nookzon ive seen him be sold for over 1,000 nmt, and on eBay people pay 20$ for him. I think there are a lot of cute and underrated villagers like Cheri, Pompom, Fang, and Chief.
I have marshal because he is adorable and grouchy but I totally agree with you that some of the underrated ones are lovely! I really love having Alice, flora and fauna on my island lol all very cute little characters 😊
Raymond wouldn't be so expensive if he had an amiibo. No one pays anywhere near that much for Marshal because you can just spawn him in at will if you have an amiibo (and amiibo cards are heckin easy to spoof). Besides him, all of the other "hype" villagers you mentioned are new to the series, so their popularity is just people wanting to play with villagers they've never had before.

I dunno if I'd say Fang and Chief are underrated. Dobie got a boost in popularity over the other cranky wolves because his grandpa motif works on NH islands, but the wolves in general are all pretty popular.
I think fauna is pretty popular, she's in the first tier but I think she totally deserves it. for some reason I used to think she was a snooty
all the hype probably comes from the lack of amiibos
i currently have raymond, audie, reneigh and judy on my island
but like, i'm thinking of getting rid of audie or reneigh however since they don't have amiibos, i'm worried i'll regret it later so for now i'm just putting up with them

also i love fang and chief ♡
I only have one sisterly atm,:( Tammy, who is my literal favorite after Audie, but im thinking about kicking out sherb and getting phoebe, either by reddit, or nookazon
I think people need to give the other villagers a chance because if they only focus on having those popular villagers on their island its going to get very tiring seeing the same ones on different islands over and over again. I've been to so many dream islands and I keep seeing these popular villages all over the place. I mean I am not against the people who have them but at least have more variety of villagers that don't get enough attention.
I think people need to give the other villagers a chance because if they only focus on having those popular villagers on their island its going to get very tiring seeing the same ones on different islands over and over again. I've been to so many dream islands and I keep seeing these popular villages all over the place. I mean I am not against the people who have them but at least have more variety of villagers that don't get enough attention.
truee, i recently i saw a post where someone went to the official nintendo dream address and they were complaining about how raymond wasn't on it
not every island needs raymond to be considered good when there are hundreds of other cute villagers ♡
I do agree a lot of the hype comes from the fact they can't be obtained my amiibo, and therefore they're more 'rare'. I don't understand how people are willingly spending hundreds of NMT on villagers but hey, to each their own. personally I think the new villagers are cute and most of them I wouldn't complain if I had them on my island, but I'm not desperately seeking them out and am happy with my 'unpopular' villagers!
truee, i recently i saw a post where someone went to the official nintendo dream address and they were complaining about how raymond wasn't on it
not every island needs raymond to be considered good when there are hundreds of other cute villagers ♡
Yeah I mean who cares what villagers you have. As long as its not hurting anyone it should not be such a big deal.
i do agree that the hype around them is insane, but i get kinda sad when is see people bashing on them :/ i feel like it's especially newer players or people that don't want to like mainstream stuff lol i mean it's not their fault they're so popular? and let people enjoy what they want please?
i do agree that the hype around them is insane, but i get kinda sad when is see people bashing on them :/ i feel like it's especially newer players or people that don't want to like mainstream stuff lol i mean it's not their fault they're so popular? and let people enjoy what they want please?
i was about to come say this!
its like yeah, theyre popular for a reason, and its because theyre new and also dont have amiibos. i used to hate raymond because he was everywhere, but now that i have him ive come to love him as a villager on my island. at the end of the day people will like who they like no matter if theyre popular or not
I have Judy, Audie, and Sherb on my island mostly just bc they're new and I like their designs (and they fit into my goal island aesthetic). In general I wouldn't say any villagers are overrated, since they all have the same personality as everyone else in their personality group lol, there's not much to differentiate them by other than by design.
Raymond was my first camper so I had to take him in. You can’t blame me when the RNG decided to spawn him.
the prices are crazy, but going as far to pay real currency for a villager is insanity, it's far easier to just go island hopping. there is a lot of hype surrounding Raymond for example, but I think it's deserved. he's a great villager!!