Hyrule Warriors

What is this Link's Crossbow Training you speak of? I've heard of no such game, and you should be ashamed for making up games.

edit: Oh, and I'll totally be playing as Midna. And Navi if she's playable. Just so I can 'Hey! Listen!' my foes to death.
It's a real game!
too bad the release day is on a weekday for me
get your mommy to pick it up for you nerd!! lol!!!11

cool new trailer!!
Oh my god shiek :cool:
Ruto and Darunia look very interesting too, I cant wait to play as them.
-hoping 4 more sages!!!-
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imo Link looks like the most interesting/fun character to play as. probably soudns cliche but I just think he does. also yeah the Wind Waker kinda looks boring apart from the Song of Storms attack.
Sheik looks fun and quick, Fi dances around to attack and Lana slaps people with her magic book <--- my favourites so far. Zelda with her bow looks cool too.
i dont own a wii u but i have friends that do, i am wondering if game is just a hack and slash or it has a story with the hack and slash. cause so far i have yet to see a promo that has story to it . U can only swing a sword so many times before you get board.

Also note not trying to down game just trying to get a sence of what to expect i dont wanna get in my head thinking 1 think and getting something else so am i right in thinking this is dynasty Warriors with Nintendo characters?
i dont own a wii u but i have friends that do, i am wondering if game is just a hack and slash or it has a story with the hack and slash. cause so far i have yet to see a promo that has story to it . U can only swing a sword so many times before you get board.

Also note not trying to down game just trying to get a sence of what to expect i dont wanna get in my head thinking 1 think and getting something else so am i right in thinking this is dynasty Warriors with Nintendo characters?

uh... yes
this is a dynasty warriors spin-off
i dont own a wii u but i have friends that do, i am wondering if game is just a hack and slash or it has a story with the hack and slash. cause so far i have yet to see a promo that has story to it . U can only swing a sword so many times before you get board.

Also note not trying to down game just trying to get a sence of what to expect i dont wanna get in my head thinking 1 think and getting something else so am i right in thinking this is dynasty Warriors with Nintendo characters?
yeah thats the point
well Theres nothing wrong with that i guess maybe im spoiled when i think Zelda i think puzzles and Story with boss action,
This game has bosses i have seen footage just wonder what story is.
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well Theres nothing wrong with that i guess maybe im spoiled when i think Zelda i think puzzles and Story with boss action,
This game has bosses i have seen footage just wonder what story is.

There is a story. (It's just not commented on much)
Link is a new solder in the Hyrulean Guard and he turns out to be amazing and then he has to go on a quest to save Hyrule. Essentially.


she looks cool i want to play as her now lol
o wow thats cool. Also saw a Gorgon in that Video hope you get to play as them that would be awesome.
o wow thats cool. Also saw a Gorgon in that Video hope you get to play as them that would be awesome.

you do, darunia? (i probably spelled that wrong)
he doesn't have a video yet as far as I can tell but he will soon
ew midna's voice nooo
also fi's voice
i wish they just spoke gibberish

and how many stages do dynasty warrior games usually have? right now there are barely any stages
inb4 Ganon/Gandondorf as playable. I mean why hasn't he been mentioned yet?
...Erm, because you are fighting his army? Maybe?

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Agitha lol. What an odd character to add.