He’s going to sell outThe singing turnip...
No, now get back to work and become a turnip again.make it stop
will do!i just got here, please smash my notifications
Been at it since 1pm and it’s 10 now. If it’s useless I’m legit gonna cryhonestly i gotta put into perspective that I've literally bee doing this since 3pm and it's now 11pm...
I can't wait for tomorrow to come just to find that my 7700 BTC is totally useless lmao
its the worms in my brain telling me to mine everything but im certain they'll be uselessBeen at it since 1pm and it’s 10 now. If it’s useless I’m legit gonna cry
I am so tired...
same frI'm afraid to go to sleep...who knows what turnip monstrosity I'll wake up to.
desperately trying to secure top 3