I feel dirty...

Bulerias said:
You guys just amaze me. I am this close to calling you idiots. >_>

If not for literature we'd still be cavemen. How can you not respect the classics? Conan Doyle, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Pushkin, the list goes ON AND ON AND ON.

I am disgusted with you.
i aint no gettin whets u al up in stuf bout
Point made. O:
Bulerias said:
You guys just amaze me. I am this close to calling you idiots. >_>

If not for literature we'd still be cavemen. How can you not respect the classics? Conan Doyle, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Pushkin, the list goes ON AND ON AND ON.

I am disgusted with you.
Yes, of course literature is important. Some people may have no time to read.. or just prefer not to. In school, yes we have to read, and if you're a fast reader, that could be your daily dose.

I like to read.. GOOD BOOKS.. It's really hard for me to find good books that I like. I'm a really picky reader. Unless I have a book with me.. I will not read (Well.. out of a book, that is). I have no idea where this post is going.. I just wanted to post here. About books. And reading. Literature is good, it's just sometimes we(I) have no time for it.

*****ums said:
Bulerias said:
You guys just amaze me. I am this close to calling you idiots. >_>

If not for literature we'd still be cavemen. How can you not respect the classics? Conan Doyle, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Pushkin, the list goes ON AND ON AND ON.

I am disgusted with you.
Yes, of course literature is important. Some people may have no time to read.. or just prefer not to. In school, yes we have to read, and if you're a fast reader, that could be your daily dose.

I like to read.. GOOD BOOKS.. It's really hard for me to find good books that I like. I'm a really picky reader. Unless I have a book with me.. I will not read (Well.. out of a book, that is). I have no idea where this post is going.. I just wanted to post here. About books. And reading. Literature is good, it's just sometimes we(I) have no time for it.

I am an uber fast reader. I honestly don't read from top to bottom, but diagonally... from top-left to bottom-right, that's how fast I read. O:

My mom actually taught me how to do it, so you could call it a family secret. But I can read faster than a character would actually talk, so when I have school book assignments, it takes me a day tops... like a whole book. Maybe a couple of hours if it's 300 or so pages.
Bulerias said:
You guys just amaze me. I am this close to calling you idiots. >_>

If not for literature we'd still be cavemen. How can you not respect the classics? Conan Doyle, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Pushkin, the list goes ON AND ON AND ON.

I am disgusted with you.
i aint no gettin whets u al up in stuf bout
And you said Bul was crazy. :rolleyes:
Bulerias said:
You guys just amaze me. I am this close to calling you idiots. >_>

If not for literature we'd still be cavemen. How can you not respect the classics? Conan Doyle, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Pushkin, the list goes ON AND ON AND ON.

I am disgusted with you.
There are so many more interesting things out there than a 400 page book.

reading is fine, yeah, but there's still better stuff to do. Calm down.
Bulerias said:
Fabio said:
No, I tend to... not read. At all.
Really smart. :\

It's appalling that you consider reading to be such a bad thing. Honestly.

Literature > Almost everything
That was meant as more of a joke I assume.

Like in Spanish class I say, "No Hablo Espanol"
Propaganda Man said:
Bulerias said:
Fabio said:
No, I tend to... not read. At all.
Really smart. :\

It's appalling that you consider reading to be such a bad thing. Honestly.

Literature > Almost everything
That was meant as more of a joke I assume.

Like in Spanish class I say, "No Hablo Espanol"
Your assumption is false.
Bulerias said:
Propaganda Man said:
Bulerias said:
Fabio said:
No, I tend to... not read. At all.
Really smart. :\

It's appalling that you consider reading to be such a bad thing. Honestly.

Literature > Almost everything
That was meant as more of a joke I assume.

Like in Spanish class I say, "No Hablo Espanol"
Your assumption is false.
Not really an assumption. More of an educated guess.

And prove it.
Propaganda Man said:
Bulerias said:
Propaganda Man said:
Bulerias said:
Fabio said:
No, I tend to... not read. At all.
Really smart. :\

It's appalling that you consider reading to be such a bad thing. Honestly.

Literature > Almost everything
That was meant as more of a joke I assume.

Like in Spanish class I say, "No Hablo Espanol"
Your assumption is false.
Not really an assumption. More of an educated guess.

And prove it.
Prove what? Prove my opinion...?

You can't prove opinions because they're opinions. Case and point.
Bulerias said:
Propaganda Man said:
Bulerias said:
Propaganda Man said:
Bulerias said:
Fabio said:
No, I tend to... not read. At all.
Really smart. :\

It's appalling that you consider reading to be such a bad thing. Honestly.

Literature > Almost everything
That was meant as more of a joke I assume.

Like in Spanish class I say, "No Hablo Espanol"
Your assumption is false.
Not really an assumption. More of an educated guess.

And prove it.
Prove what? Prove my opinion...?

You can't prove opinions because they're opinions. Case and point.
No. Saying something is false is saying its not true. Truth as proved by facts.

Saying my opinion is not true is doing what you claim I did.

Also be a man and prove it when you say I'm wrong.
how can one not like to read.... If you don't like to read books, you miss out on a lot of life. Before I found out about videogames, reading was like, my life.
Propaganda Man said:
Bulerias said:
Propaganda Man said:
Bulerias said:
Propaganda Man said:
Bulerias said:
Fabio said:
No, I tend to... not read. At all.
Really smart. :\

It's appalling that you consider reading to be such a bad thing. Honestly.

Literature > Almost everything
That was meant as more of a joke I assume.

Like in Spanish class I say, "No Hablo Espanol"
Your assumption is false.
Not really an assumption. More of an educated guess.

And prove it.
Prove what? Prove my opinion...?

You can't prove opinions because they're opinions. Case and point.
No. Saying something is false is saying its not true. Truth as proved by facts.

Saying my opinion is not true is doing what you claim I did.

Also be a man and prove it when you say I'm wrong.
Oh, wait... massive confusion. I thought you meant what I SAID was supposed to be a joke... Oops.


@ Fish - I don't read a book a day. I, nowadays, only read from 1AM - 2AM... and even then I might not have the time to. I manage to do 100 pages a day usually, sometimes a bit more. Reading isn't my life, but to call it horrible is appaling.
I actually enjoy reading as well. This summer, I plan on getting the third book in the Inheritance Trilogy, (Eragon & Eldest), Book 6 of a less popular series known as the Children of the Red King, and maybe even Harry Potter seven. If that's when it comes out. My goal is to read at least 10,000 pages in one year. I'm at 3,100. Not counting books I'm forced to read in school.

JJH0369 :wintergyroid: